
I have never minded that you could stack heroes in quick play. It can get a bit annoying at times, but it usually not a big deal. That said, all of this sounds like a phenomenal addition to keeping the game fresh, and I am super excited to try out every one of the new modes.

The PS Vita is not dead in Japan!

The New 3DS has a faster processor.

Even with homebrew, getting SNES games to work is pretty dubious. Lots of issues with sound, running at unplayable speeds, objects flickering or passing through one another, etc.. BlargSNES and SNES9x have some varying degrees of success on older 3DS models, but they’re still plagued

Ah, I see you’ve repaired some electronics before. Those rubber bands almost always perish and end up as a sludge on the rollers.

Sounds more appealing than “Lettuce Leaves”

What they really need to do is give credit to anyone that sets up a potg. Think about how many potg fuels by nanoboost, or set up by mei or zarya - only to have a junkrat or pharah get all the glory

Final Fantasy V - The Chicken Knife. Every time I reached a new town I’d flee from 10 encounters on the world map.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the Japanese Xbox One release got cancelled. Wouldn’t be the first time either.

I mean, only 50 Xbox One’s were sold last week over there.

Or Hanako.

Just to be clear, the PSP Go’s actual design is fine. It was the digital only aspect that made it a bad idea.

Rocket League was the last nice surprise that I remember getting. Vita gets garbage month after month but yeah if they turned off PS3 and PSVita games that would be terrible.

And how do we know this isn’t just Schreier trying to escape blame for another game delay?

The cosplay struggle is similar for anyone who cosplays.. There are so many variables such as skin tone, height, body size, body shape, physical gender, face structure, missing limbs, etc.

To be fair, it’s not always about cost. Sometimes you just can’t get the service based on your location.

Downloading now.

From someone who used to play a lot of Hearthstone in the beginning and who has played MtG for 15+ years, it’s really sad to see how much potential Hearthstone has and how bad design and weird classes stop it from achieving it.

Agreed. Especially since the quality of VA in games really doesn’t match the level of visuals and music. It’s jarring, and much of the time I wish everybody would just shut up.

Are you on drugs? That’s a regular ass HDD. Nobody is putting a fucking SSD in a console to sell at retail.

I’m pretty sure all the physical copy does is activate it for Steam. That’s what most (if not all) physical copies do now a days.

I’m pretty sure all the physical copy does is activate it for Steam. That’s what most (if not all) physical copies

Six votes gets you into the top ten?? Hardly a robust study here, and certainly too little data to draw meaningful conclusions from.