Guacamole on EVERYTHING is fucking awesome. It's my COC (Condiment of Choice. Is it okay if I try to make COC happen?).
Guacamole on EVERYTHING is fucking awesome. It's my COC (Condiment of Choice. Is it okay if I try to make COC happen?).
Were you still living there when the neighborhood began transitioning into what it is now?When did you start noticing it changing? You know, you have to do your homework. You do your homework and you find out the specific year when gentrification took place.
I'm asking if you witnessed that gentrification. I can't…
He's right, but all the "motherfuckings" are distracting. - Your Grandmother
Love the gif though!
Wait, that was a joke? Derp derp...(faulty premise turned "joke" into "not really a joke")
If she really cared about the money, I'm sure she could find some cis male to be in a loveless, sexless marriage with. The point is she's in a 9 year relationship with a woman and she cares more about that than money.
I absolutely LOVE her dancing in that video. It perfectly encapsulates how quirky and alien she is. I think it adds to the mystique of the song and she's hauntingly beautiful in it!
Lovely look, but I hope she gets an acting coach stat.
Another misleading title. She doesn't spend $2,000 daily on beauty products. She uses expensive products daily. And the products individually aren't THAT expensive, considering how much she makes.. I've been known to dump $50 on skin products and I'm not even close to Martha rich.
I really hate her stupid haircut.
Speaking of pronunciation of it a-part-IDE (rhyming with cried) or a-part-aid (like, band-aid)? I grew up thinking it was the former, until I took a class on 20th century African globalization in college, where the professor told us we were wrong and it was actually "aid." I took her word for it at the…
That's a good question. Maybe we default to assuming larger people (or average/small, for that matter?) feel insecure about their bodies. When we see people with tattoos, which indicates they're willing to buck societal norms (to include appearances), it helps negate the idea that this person is uncomfortable with…
But I don't get it! Please, please tell me. I wanna know!!
I really don't understand her career at all. I don't follow country music, but it's a shame she has a career at all. The whole "American Idol" thing exposes how manufactured the music industry is. She got her start by singing karaoke. We idolize performers and I get it's part of the culture. If there's nothing we can…
She's absolutely captivating in 12 Years a Slave. What a talent!
Even some bisexuals don't consider it a real orientation:
First time visit to a male gyno, we're discussing my sexual history and when he asked me about my contraceptive use, I explained my partner was female and we didn't really use them. He apologized and seemed a little flustered. At the end of the checkup, he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead while I was still…
If he's making a statement about Barney's and their profiling complaints, that's kind of brilliant.
Penelope Cruz?