Listening to your own musics in public has to be the most lame thing an artist could do. This would be like running into Stephen King reading a Stephen King book in the airport.
Listening to your own musics in public has to be the most lame thing an artist could do. This would be like running into Stephen King reading a Stephen King book in the airport.
It was the most NFL players that have ever attended a White House visit EVER!
Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said.
The device Evans spent three years laboring to invent is a $400 WiFi-enabled tabletop machine that squeezes juice ... out of a bag of Juicero-brand juice. It squeezes bags of juice.
We live in a society that demands both mobility and flexibility. If you live in my small town and you’re a single mother/father, no car is a severe limitation. Some of those people are forced to get wheels and hope that they hold up. When they don’t, what then?
thats a load of bullshit
Being poor doesn’t mean they don’t budget. I’d imagine being on the edge makes one budget more carefully than not. Nor does proper budgeting correlate to an unbroken axle, functioning shocks, or any number of other expensive, invisible car components.
This is why I’m cynical about buying a used car after the auto financing bubble pops. If they couldn’t afford their loan payments, what makes you think they kept up with proper maintenance?
AAA’s managing director of Automotive Engineering and Repair said that the average cost of owning and operating a car is over $8,500 annually.
Yup, no Facebook, no Twitter- nothing. This is as close as I come to social media
Hey people, some advice: you *don’t actually have to use Twitter*. You might find you’re a lot happier just letting other people aggregate the funny or informative stuff instead, or just ignoring it entirely!
I blame all the center- and right-leaning people who voted for Gary Fucking Johnson instead of, you know, the candidate that actually had a chance of winning.
Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?
Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”
That’s where features like Apple’s newly-announced Night Shift and Android N’s upcoming Night Mode come in.
This is a perfect example of only seeing what you want to see.