Salad Days

Pennsylvania must watch a lot of car commercials.

I believe he opened that restaurant after Top Chef. So Phila proved that he was a real up-and-comer and that he deserved it.

It's often tritely repeated that "chef" means "boss", but that has some meaning here. Nick would be a terrible boss. He may have cooked more delicious food for this meal, but he is not the better chef.

The Fornicators sketch became even funnier when I saw it was Scott's wife doing the fornicating.

Scott's made jokes about the final episode of MASH at least 3 times on the podcast, so it was inevitable that it would come up on the show.

Created by: Scott Aminusman

The mental notes are stacking.

Well, he's going to be in that Weird Al biopic.

But they're often on the podcast. CHECK AND MATE.

worst thing*

I genuinely enjoy Giorgio by Morodor, Instant Crush, Touch, and Fragments of Time. But maybe the internet commenter is right and it's just some legacy thing forcing me to enjoy them.


Midseason was when she brought out the pigtails in the talking head interviews. Oh my.

Fuck you midwest!

Hey, the Emeril K-cups are are really good. I can't seem to find them any more though, maybe they were discontinued.

I've had about the exact same conversation regarding biannual vs. biennial.

I was embarrassed to think "Is that Kevin Gillespie?" which became even weirder when he was revealed to be a cross dresser.


Calvin:The Noodle Incident::Archer:4th Of Ju-luau

Just Desserts, right? I think Food Network ruined dessert cooking shows for me.