
The thing is fucking portable. Bleeding edge graphics are not supposed to be its thing.

But this is a tablet running a AAA game from just this last year.

Good luck on your crusade to correct every person that uses “clip”. You’re definitely gonna lose this war.

But I don’t get the point of a simulator when you have the real thing parked outside.

I don’t get citations for driving 100+ in Forza. Nor do I have to pay for damage from racing other cars. Also, premium is expensive, yo. lol


Not releasing this on Switch is a travesty! Especially when playing in portable mode, it would be perfect for the “brush” techniques, with the touchscreen.

“Yeah...take that, Disney! Instead of buying your movies, I’ll buy your movies twice!”

“Can’t wait to cut the cord so I don’t have to pay over 100 dollars each month just so I can watch the 6 things I like among the thousands I don’t”

More AAA games on Switch are always a good thing.

If i didn’t have to take out a second mortgage on my house just to enjoy the online component of this game i would still be playing it.

More like:

How is this article not just this image?

Those are not really skins, but new cars exclusive to the Switch version. From what I read, players not playing on the Switch will see standard cars instead.

No shit. I shared an opinion. Do you knee-jerk this much at all of the ones that calmly conflict with your own?

This honestly just sounds so... entirely useless

Dead Bath & Beyond

Especially the end when they fight.

That fight was exactly as long as it should have been. Maul was angry and emotional, while Obi-wan was focused (he’d been meditating and training in a desert for 20 years, waiting for a Sith master to come for Luke).

Uh, clearly flight is the better option here. Invisibility is only for creeps who want to spy on people, obviously.