
What? Team Steve! He cleaned up the spray paint, defended his girlfriend’s honor from a peeping tom, took a punch (several) and still stayed to help slay the demigorgon. Besides, if Jonathan had listened to his mom and not worked that night, Will would never have been taken to the upside down.

Yeah so if I find your sense of humor laying around I’ll be sure to send it back to you.

Did anyone else watch Family Tree? It was just the one season, right? I enjoyed it but I'm starting to think I was the only one.

Is this when he went through his goth phase?

Thank you for that gif kind person!!!

Damn is that real?

What the WHAT!?

you and your gifs Breeze

Back at ya.

Fake it till you make it.


Can I bum a ride?

Can I join?

The next Simone.

Nice catch.