
The King Beyond the Wall, became the King of the Dune Sea.

Glad to see Mance Rayder found a new gig.

The real scandal will be when it turns out that Michael Phelps was robbed at gunpoint juuuuuust a little bit faster....

Looks like the cold waters there preserved the ship incredibly well.

You don’t pee in the pool because others would be floating in your piss. That is why.

Yep. It’s no better for animators (or anyone else, really) in the video game industry, either.

I cant believe Danny Rayburn commands a ship. You know that’s gonna turn to shit!

The Death Star wasn’t used to destroy Geonosis — the planet’s still there, littered with corpses. The last remaining queen implies that the planet was bombed.


Ezra is still a kid during this era.

Same family, different species.

I’m meeting Snoop this weekend... he’ll be in Ohio and my buddy is a promoter... :)


Right with you, Rogue three....


Dad level 100.

Never hurts to have a Jedi is the stands.

First person Lego.

Less than two hours until I make my escape. Just need to get past the guards...