

Gore silently dripped from robots’ arms.

Pokemon Go united us in 2016.

First of all the music was great. Still have the biggest smile on my face from that trailer. Vader there at the end oh that fine black helmet.

You could, but that wouldn’t be accurate.


He left behind a secret dungeon holding a secret monster that could be unleashed by a secret person to kill those “unworthy” of learning magic... secretly.

What do Wizards do after school? It really bothers me that there is (seemingly) no form of higher education in the Wizarding world. Although this might explain why there isn't a whole lot of innovation when it comes to magic. Someone pointed out that in Half-Blood Prince a decades old potion book is apparently just as

Blending elephant DNA with mammoth DNA and then making a movie about it?

Good God, man. The take! It’s too hot!

that’s pretty much me after eating taco bell

Well there was that time when Susan didn’t get into heaven because she liked boys too much.

No, the point is that C.S. Lewis had a lot of really shitty opinions and he really did write them into the books. This is definitely one of them. It’s all over his personal writing.

HOT TAEK: Narnia is boring AF.

My reactions to re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia (in publication order):

I can’t wait until they film The Last Battle and have to explain that Susan’s not there because she’s too interested in nylons, lipstick, and invitations.

NBC was doing a pretty good job of cupping his balls but I don’t think that left any marks.

There’s a snake in my boots, errr loafer.