
That’s why everyone should get some of the awesome mutts at the shelter (they need homes and nobody wants them!) instead of getting a dog bred selectively in a way that maximizes their suffering for personal profit.

It’s being made by the Chinese. Are we really getting butthurt that the Chinese are ‘whitewashing’ their own films?

You’re going to forbid chinese to cast non-asian actors in their own movies? Because what? They’re not capable of deciding for themselves and need a westerner to save them? White messiah complex much? ;)

The Donald Trump Biff Tannen presidency of Back to the Future.

Does it get better? HA!

She’s cute.

Please remove these unauthorized photos of me immediately.

Is the Sombra Group’s logo supposed to like the Obama logo? Do they have the same graphic designer or are they trying to say the prez is the Crimson King? :)

Yeah, yeah... maybe this will be good, maybe not, but what I do know for sure is that the greatest Stephen King adaptation yet isn’t from a Stephen King novel at all:

Bruce Campbell as Ash Rendar.

The opening crawl could focus on the broader changes to the galaxy in the aftermath of Episode 7 (e.g. Republic falling apart, first order regrouping, Resistance under attack or evacuating to safety). None of those were really addressed yet.

“I’m a loose bullet right now, Mitch. Don’t press me...”

You forgot one.

That last one.

The only logical response to today is animals doing random shit.

Just putting this here for all the times we’ll need it in the next two weeks!

In a number of places they’ve already expressed that this (or these if they make more) film(s) are acting as a sequel to the books. This is what happens on Roland’s journey when he has the Horn of Eld.

It’s been said before, but it can’t give less of a crap than that perfect asshole Chopper.