
Marvel has the Skrulls every other weekend and Thanksgiving, but not Christmas.

Maybe you just haven’t met the right goat.

Yes! Newt & Hicks LIVE! Fuck you, Fincher!

Now playing

Gonna keep doing this until io9 grasps other people made these types of movies in the 80's. Not that I mind because I never get tired of championing Monster Squad. NEVER!


There’s only one perfect killing machine in Star Wars...

Statement: This “Mr. Bones” is still just an inferior attempt to replicate the perfect killing machine (me). Who decorates themselves with the remains of meatbags? Vulgar.

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

So...snapchat will come and go before I even bother to try it...
This is what “old” feels like.

Cool and all. But how all that hair is gonna fit this helmet?

Helmet Hair is going to be a serious problem. Then again, the helmet looks bigger and she’s a super genius and comics.

I believe he’s a Holocaust-denying fucktard, so to him, Anne Frank is most probably a fabrication of the evil Zionist media empire.

Do you think Caesar was a fictional character? Or Anne Frank?

So if it’s “bigger than imagination” would that not infer that it’s effectively fiction?

The Spoiler mines must be running dry. Alas hopefully James can open a new vein soon.


C’mon HBO give us a Dunk & Egg miniseries to tide us over until the next season of GoT.