
Just one. I am on a diet.

Congrats. I’m celebrating my 21st anniversary the best way possible - alone!

So wrong.

Well the opening crawl to the original movies said that they Rebel Alliance has finally won its first major battle when it got the plans to the Death Star. It makes sense that they’d get torn apart up until the climax.

a Normandy beach storming-style scene that I guess had Rebels getting slaughtered, and a scene where Darth Vader positively wrecks a group of Rebels that was evocative of a slasher movie.

My wife asked me who Namor was.

If you know anything about horse racing, that comment is self contradicting.

Actually, it’s Anakin’s lightsaber.

Maybe then I could afford some of these props.

Why do we need this?? We already have the best prequel TV series we’re ever gonna get.

You should also check out the various types of Ugly – ships cobbled together by pirates from other ship parts.

Cat meets robo cat.

It’s almost time for the long weekend. Waiting for 5:00!