
Not mentioned here, but RIP Miss Carter. May the Netflix gods smile upon thee and give you new life... and at least one more season.

it happens in Bran’s Green Visions in the books as well. he speaks and his father almost hears something, decades in the past.

Native American here. These names are ok.


I think that this was a clue to what happened to Hodor. I’m guessing Bran goes to see him again in the past and by accident or necessity wargs into young Hodor causing him to lose his mind/language.

He is not having visions, he is traveling in time. MASSIVE implications. May he be Bran the Builder?! HUGE repercussions!

what are you racist?

Clayface approved

My suspicion is that the “old gods” are actually greenseers from the future. So it’s not possible to “change” the past, because greenseers were there the “first time,” if you see what I’m saying. Bran was always present at the Tower of Joy, and his father always heard him.

The show isn’t the books, but in the books, there’s every indication that people could almost hear things being told to them from the weirwood trees, usually in the form on voices in the wind. And the greenseers were supposed to be able to use the weirwood trees just like Bran and the Three Eyed Raven are doing now,

Don’t know if I feel like that’s awesome or that’s a giant gross “undo” button just waiting to be pressed by the show-runners at any time they see fit.

Something similar happened in the books, but Bran got Theon’s attention while he was have an emotional crisis in front of a weirwood tree. So clearly sometimes a presence is detectable, but both TV and page stop well short of allowing characters to actively communicate with time travelling/location hopping Green Seers.


I think so. I think it’s not so much that Bran is viewing events from the past, he is actually there.

That was certainly my take. We weren’t given enough information to say anything for sure, but they didn’t include that for no reason.

When young Ned hears Bran cry out to him, is this an indication that he might be able to influence events or communicate with people from the past?

That red panda one is everything!

Captain America: Civil War this weekend. Who else is excited?