
He worked up an appetite doing all that dancing.

You did it!


When someone asks you to do something on Friday.

Dogonit, it’s Friday.

The Last Bastion had some cool visuals.

That was mine.

Sup gif party?

Warrior, 35 – 45 years old. “The character is a tough-looking bruiser with the attack skills of a pit bull, and the actor needs to be great at fighting. He has a ‘considerable’ amount of dialogue as well. It’s described as an ‘excellent part for a top-end actor.’” They’re looking for a white actor with a “neutral and

Glad to see Mance Rayder found a new gig.

That beach planet does kind of look like the Florida Keys.




Teach a dog to fish.

Doing the Friday dance.

Dad level 100.

If I fits...

Never hurts to have a Jedi is the stands.

I believe I can fly.