
I think you’re right.

I wonder if the handmaiden in the background of the TOJ scene will be significant to Jon’s claim to the throne. It did seem to focus on her for a minute almost as if to say “don’t forget this face”.

Do we know for certain they weren’t married in secret?

We are a small court, but we are a proud court.

Player 3 has entered the boop.

How I feel after dealing with my first “corporate restructure”.

Doggonitt it’s Friday.

Master of disguise.


Real life street fighter.

4. Jon wouldn’t have accepted help from Littlefinger knowing his victory would come with strings attached.

You see boring, I see the beginning of a a drug smuggling gone wrong/locked up abroad situation.


Moon Tea Plan B.

Maybe now that Jon is victorious he can invest in some shields for his army.

Pity the fool who has to be on the Wun Wun burial detail.

Queue the Danaerys and Yara fan fiction.

I believe Tyrion says “thank you for the fleet”.

This should be animated.

Let the battle begin.