
I didn’t understand them not wanting to send word to the Blackfish via raven. Wouldn’t Ramsay assume Sansa and Jon would try to contact their Uncle for help? Not sure what harm sending a Raven would do.

Ramsay’s hounds have a more comfortable life than the Direwolves. Maybe the remaining Starks should surrender their’s to more responsible owners.

Was the Three Eyed Raven trying to switch bodies with Bran? Didn’t he say “we must begin the transfer” or something along those lines?

Queen-Bicycle needs to be playing in the background.

Haha, that second one.


Confusion, Denial, Regret.

Get down ya’ll.

Who else is Loving Penny Dreadful this season? Here are some smiling Vanessa’s.

Forcing yourself down the stairs Friday morning.

Taking a quick Friday morning shower.

I did not know that, thanks for the info.

Yes it has! Here are some gifs of Vanessa Cleaning to celebrate.

I got a little choked up. Haha, thanks.

I’m all for them adding Shock Troops like Death Troopers but I hope they explain what happened to them and why they were never seen again. Wouldn’t troops like that have been perfect for the assault on Hoth?

A lot has happened since Jon last hugged one of his siblings.

Nice place you have here.

Yes, he is perpetually rubbing/fondling his knife in the books.

Osha is a wildling so the cannibals she refereed to were probably the Thenn.

Summer is still hanging around in the cave he’s living in I believe.