
Stop shopping there and tell that mall this is why.

I have a name for it.  It’s in the DSM IV: Assholery.  Look it up.

Please don’t insult people with mental problems.

I changed the band on my bronze Alta HR and now it looks like a prettyish bracelet. I can add it to my regular watch and it’s not too bulky on a good day, and like how Princess Di wore two watches but not as bulky on a not-so-good day.

Best way is find proof covd affects their genitalia.

I just can’t help wondering if the lawyer she worked for would understand her and help her, though.  That lawyer would be 70 and possibly retired, though.

This article describes my relationship with my parents.

I just wrote a comment about how the whole country needs to change how it dresses because how do you find clothes that don't show cleavage? This is ridiculous.

It was mildly amusing to me to see the Beautiful People all wrinkled and on their third marriages, clutching large cocktails. 

If showing skin is such a problem for Americans, why are so many clothes so low cut and sleeveless, then? As a more conservative dresser by my own choice, I am always going mad trying to find tank tops or coverups or something. And I’m jealous when I watch Korean dramas that show pretty dresses with high necklines.


He was always the mediocre choice, and he’s showing it now.

The binder clips is an idea I’m going to try.  Also, the hands inside the pillowcase. 

Prince Phillip didn’t hound his runaway slaves. Prince Philip didn't keep slaves. Prince Philip wasn't a slaver like George Washington.

I have a splitting migraine this morning but at least this made me laugh.

It takes a lot longer.  An airfryer is basically instantaneous in heating up, whereas the oven takes ages to heat up. So, I had at least 20 minutes more in my baking time (I did chicken).

I would like to note that I hope Prince William gets more and more uncomfortable as time goes on.

My tap water is not nearly cold enough even for this.

She’s black now. Racism is a construct for biracial people and she was pushed over that line by the British tabloids. But I don’t think she had a problem with the identity based on the tweet quoted in the article above.

I never said this before, but I'm saying this now: this particular monarchy needs to crash out now.