
China owns him. He owes money to one of their large banks, and those are always owned by their government.

Go, go, go!

See, if anything like this happened to my family, God forbid, I would never believe that stupid crying. I’d ask the judge to throw the book at them because they’re just going to appeal later and say exactly this nonsense. I don’t trust murderers, period.

Get a month free on iqiyi and watch their mulan.

Very good point that has settled my heart Re spending $30 on Mulan as a single person.

I don’t use TikTok because I’m middle-aged and it’ll be one more thing to do.  I do not need one more thing to do.

What was the Note 10 Plus, then?

Moms generally like to be with their kids. #shrug

I didn’t steal or fight as a teen. I didn’t know know many who did.

So many of these types of creeps out there: Donna Eden, John Bergman, Eric Berg, and the creepiest of all, Joe Dispenza and his legally curated lies of fixing an allegedly broken back with his mind.  People believe this nonsense, and then get sicker and die.  Or get more mentally unhealthy as they feel desperate when

Only a year older than me. May Allah keep his grave cool and take him to heaven without an accounting. Ameen.

Inna lillahi wa Inna alayhi rajiun. Ameen. 

Basically, what GRRM knew was that we would not care anymore. Because I’m with you: I do not care.  Moved on.

I’ve spoken on other posts here and on Jezebel about a fat white man who harassed me on the DC metro, saying “someone like you should set an example” because I took a sip of water on a hot day in a hot car some years back, and that memory comes back each time I look at Barr.

IKR? Like there aren’t people in refugee camps who could do with that money for tents, food, clothing and basic medicines?

Perhaps they are stepford wife types because I was surprised too. That said, I have come across white women who claim they have never suffered sexual harassment in the workplace. This was during the Kavenaugh hearings. I was amazed at their tone-deaf behavior.


It has happened to me for just existing. I have taken the train and taken a sip of water to avoid dehydration on hot car, and a large white dude went off at me and no one said anything. I even heard the words, “Someone like you should set an example.” 

Then he is an asshole who has done nothing in all his time in congress to protect Florida’s horses. What a waste.

God is probably readying a special place in Hell because using his name in vain.