
Isn’t that every country? I do agree this country is worse than most.

Take a beauty penalty at the very least. I spent my life being told I was too dark, too short, too apple-shaped to get married. Imagine my annoyance to find many women with my type of looks getting married. But they didn’t use matchmakers, and my family were set on matchmakers. And me, I got fed up and worn out with

That was the case with Ahmaud Arbery’s killers as well, but the investigations were reopened. Same may happen here. At least they should be fired in the meantime, or at least be on probation.

I’ve used this, because I am South Asian, and when I was younger, I did my best to marry within the community (spoiler: I failed to become fair and lovely) and it’s basically a sunblock. I prefer the Japanese ones that are from companies not testing on animals. 

That’s it? After all the protests and outrage, they’re just on desk duty?

They said all that to annoy you. 

They can reopen if everyone wears a mask over their nose and mouth. Japan is the example.

They are going to need bulletproof vests and helmets for their employees, then.

True. But if I’m ever in a group discussion regarding pros and cons of masks, I point out, as an asthmatic who has been in emergency more than she ever wanted, it’s no fun getting to that point.

He should not even be on money, ew.

Hmm, weird, because under Islam you can’t cut people out of your will. Still, now I know this person is talking because he was paid.

Is he quite sure about this?  Doesn’t sound like Muhammad Ali at all.

Fine by me. 

I take your free advice, and oups, my dad is giving everything to his other child.

So, 123,5, and 7 are aimed at using the Civil Rights Act. Good job, Senator Scott. Hope it works.

And I’d forgotten him, but what a crazy life the Chevalier lived! Amazing!

Thank you. I read this post before sleeping, and had dreams of black men in powder and wigs. Also, now thinking the powder was a normal thing to do back then because face washing wasn’t. 

That settles that. I’m off to bed now.

You lot keeping me from my yoga with these jokes...

Who was that peer?