
Someone warn off that shitty “Dr” antivaxxer and doctor-hating chiropractor Bergman on youtube.

Where did he go?

Nah, the dog bit her. 

We’re teleworking. No, time no longer has meaning.

All these wypipo going on about greatest land of opportunity never seem to know that their ancestors always had to go away from their own lands for opportunities to amazing empires like the Ottomans, Mughals, and the Ming.

Ah, of course. Silly me.  I’ll go vote Biden when the time comes.

That is sadly correct.

I saw that, and thought what is wrong with these people?  I’m glad I got to vote for her while she was still in the race.

Emma is not worth seeing twice.

Also, Warren can’t tweet without hate from Bernie supporters. It’s hard to shift support to him when you liked someone as amazing and who did so much as she has done when his supporters need reporting. Seriously, that hate can put such a bad taste in a person’s mouth, along with Bernie’s record of doing less than

How about fixing Rashida Tlaib’s name?

Exactly.  I think Clinton is brilliant and would make an excellent President, but I sure as hell don’t want her running again for her own wellbeing. 

Please grudgingly vote Warren as a protest vote, ‘k, thanx.

I think it totally has something to do with how Bernie Bros kept “snaking” Warren and attacking Warren supporters.  They could have had those supporters come over to their side if they hadn’t been so crazy.

Here’s my take on those idiots: if they’d been nicer about Warren, they’d have got her supporters and her endorsement. But they’re not that smart.

They are the only reason Bernie had any say in any Presidential election, and the reason he failed twice. They carry him, but they drop him with the same rotten behavior.

Maybe they could have also not been rude to Elizabeth Warren?  I bet a lot them lost Warren supporter to Biden’s side just with their rotten “snake” attitude towards her.

Yes, well, I think I’m less upset over the Warren loss now, though not by much.  I can bring myself, just about, to vote for Biden.  I really, really, really don’t like, him, though.  I just want the orange out of there.

Recommend something under $50, please.

Which already have black people genes, just do some googling.