
Do they have ANC?

But then we get to see the Senate give him a blatant and shameless free pass and piss off everyone all over again right when there are all those primaries beginning. He might even lose some of his own Republican primaries.  That would be funny.  

He might be traumatized both ways, finding he acts in racist ways and feeling uncomfortable about it.

I am in two minds to leave a negative yelp review for my ex-hypnotherapist, who has nothing but glowing Yelp reviews. She was very good for me initially, helping me get over some bad food addictions, and helping me sleep better when my noisy, nocturnal family visit. But, when I went to see her for stress management,

I googled the brother and he hasn’t worked in nearly 3 years. How does he live?

Come see mine.  I has cute ponies.  JYQE.

I bet all Pete's boyfriends called him that in bed and out of it.

He just wanted a positive article on a black website to get some black votes. 

You fell for his sneaky nine-tailed fox tricks, Michael. Now, he's going to eat all the black folks' livers and leave your corpses twitching and jerking as the souls leave to wander the earth forever with their grudges.

Nope!  People have to pay.  And they don’t have pensions, either. A true socialist country would take care of its elderly with state pensions.

Oh if he makes it out of the primaries, then he is the candidate. 

At least we never hear about Tulsi Gabbard who looks like she could break necks for Putin.

It’s so disgusting.  And I bet if anyone calls them out on it, they’ll act as if that person is the dumb one.

You had some sweet cousins.

That compensation sounds way too high and it sounds like the friend who sold the character should be the one who ought to pay. But maybe I’m missing some gaming technicalities here.

No, he had to pay the person who bought the character unusually cheaply from the defendant. But that should be the defendant’s responsibility, first of all, and a lawsuit from that third party against that mutual defendant because that’s a separate contract.

Nowadays it does. I can’t get my head around people not getting health care in China.

Totally.  But this is our world now.

But why does the plaintiff have to pay damages to the person who paid what he should have known was an unusually cheap price?  

See, she was glowing, and moving on with her life. I will not trust a suicide verdict, ever, not with that ex walking around.