
If only she had known English. She only knew enough to say she didn’t know it. Us I-fans were sending her love and support to help her and I hope she got some comfort. I didn’t really know her as a celeb well, but even since I heard that abuse and attempted suicide story, I made sure to get her notifications to

It was the ex. He was an abusive asshole, he threatened her with a sex tape she never agreed to film, meaning he filmed without her knowing, he attacked her and played the victim when she defended herself and drove her to an attempted suicide last year. And even when the courts found him guilty, they only gave him

Exactly. In that movie, Heal, and the clip can be found on YouTube where I made sure to comment it was bogus, Joe Dispenza even tries to claim he claim he “healed” his allegedly broken back with his mind alone. Hogwash. But he had my mom believing him. And from what I saw of him of you tube, there were people in

People are weird. I fired my hypnotherapist this week, and she kept getting after me for closure, and I was like, no, because a) you could hypnotize me, you’ve done it before, that’s why we are in this mess, b) do you not read your square trade reviews, and c) you’re a therapist, you should know how to let things go.

Just got linked back to this story two years later. Did American ever respond to Ms. Baldwin or you?

IKR? I fell hard on my workplace’s concrete floors once, and, realizing it would be a waste of time getting an X-ray for the resulting muscle pain and spasms, just used a lot of valerian at home. That’s the basis for Valium and it relaxed my muscles enough that I managed with Advil for the next few days.


Garlic. If anything alternative is going to work, it’s garlic and you have to chop it or crush it, let it sit to let to active ingredient, allicin, get active, and then cook it in something, unless you can stand it raw. Good for fungal infections of the mouth and throat too.

How about hiring Hamilton Nolan? He needs a new job.

I think he was faithful for a bit.

No, no, no, homeopathy is awesome!

OMG you actually liked an SNL skit! I loved this one too.

What are these little hacks that add so many steps?

This is how I get walking in at work. My office is half a block in size, no, actually, 2/3, so I try to walk around it at least every 1.5 hours.

Maybe because she is a woman and this is still a very sexist country.

Men always find enthusiastic women angry.


He is this walking, talking, SNL Ken doll and he is a waste of space. The sooner he drops out, the better.
