
I dunno, I’ve never understood the Erin Condren love.  I’m into Hobonichis.

I dunno, I’ve never understood the Erin Condren love.  I’m into Hobonichis.

I’m fed up.  No one resign.  I do not want a Republican in charge in Virginia which is where I live.  At least Northam is genuinely too dumb to know better.

I went on a horse-riding holiday in Ireland and my mom and I were so relieved to find one tiny Pakistani store there. Not that we went there expecting to find anything except white Irish people who were totally nice and welcoming, but it was like seeing an oasis in the desert.  So, I don’t know where that idiot Liam

I always vote Democrat, and will still get screwed.

I watched the video and tried to screen capture and couldn’t, so kudos to all who were quick enough.

People have been going on and on about Adam Levine being so hot ever since Maroon 5 came onto the scene and I have been disappointed ever since I first saw him. This latest is no exception.

I try to get out to the barn as much as possible, but my own health is limiting me. I think if I could get out and ride more, I wouldn’t feel as blah about life.

The doctor is good is and doing his best work. I’ve also done my research and he and his practice do all the latest treatments, which they are making sure I’m doing. So, I’m fine with him, thank God.

Apologies for the late reply: I fell asleep.

After I ride at the lessons, I visit the Small Mares, a miniature horse and a Shetland mix called Ginger and Princess. They are nearly always in a state of perpetual argument with each other. Basically, Ginger is always a bit irritated with Princess for existing, and Princess just shrug

Saki, it was my late dog’s name. :)

The biggest problem in my life is that my asthma is not managed well and it’s no one’s fault, I’m just not responding to any medicines. If it was managed well, I might not feel quite so blah because I wouldn’t feel so handicapped. I know that much. :-)

I’m glad to hear from you! I’m also going through a heath issue, asthma. Someone below called it anhedonia. I’ll start looking up some treatment.

What do you do when you’re fed up with everything and can only look forward to your weekly visits to the horse barn? I have a really nice secure job that, when I talk about it, I do get happy that I have it and feel good about it, and I do have a decent family, even if I never had a relationship or kids (do not want

I love my soft boiled eggs and buttered marmalade toast.

People don’t help, though.  They will, however, join in on ganging up on women.

wouldn’t have been so responsible.

Bwahahahahaha, okay, fair enough.

I ROFL’d at this.

Honestly, animals are generally cool with infants and babies.