
Totally agree. Total waste of money.

Asking Israel to respect international law and human rights does not deny its right to exist. Why do people think that it does?

I’d like to note that when I go out with my friends, we never, ever sit that close to each other. So damn unhygienic.

Ha, maybe that’s why she showed her two grandsons to everyone. “Here, I can control boys, people.”

So what if she’s 78 years old? She’s fit and healthy and in her right mind. She just needs to give up this bipartisanship idea.

So, Trump listens to Melania?  I didn’t think he did.

Is he the only fisherman who finds these creatures? If so, I’m calling shenanigans.

I wish someone would get video of this.

He’s going to go even redder, if that’s possible.  I’m not sure it is.

I hope she chokes on her grapefruit every morning opposite sweaty Lindsey Graham.

The funniest is that they think voting is stealing.

I couldn’t find anything.

She worked for Bernie, he can put her and her partner up in his place for a while.  They have practically the same policies so they’ll be fine.

What is the “kidnap the princess” policy?

I suspect she has the contacts to help her find a place to stay in now.  And by contacts, I mean, friends.

Who is her partner, just out of curiousity?  Do we know?  And yes, I care because I’m nosy.

To settle in?

Honestly, I’m okay with it all too.  Sod this “oh no, Fox News will be mean!” nonsense.  They’re mean over nothing.  So, might as well protest Tucker and drive him out of him home like the Alt-right do to people like Dr. Blasey-Ford.

I don’t have a problem with any of this.  It’s free speech and payback.

How do we get rid of them, though?