
He's my pick. Narratively it makes the most sense for his character arc. Tyrion has an outside shot, as do, I guess, a couple of other "little brothers": Euron and The Hound. But I give Jaime even odds.

Well, presumably he'd have to smash through his niece's fleet to get to Dragonstone, which would settle a debt for him and greatly weaken Dany's position. And I think he's just dumb enough to think that nabbing a dragon is a cakewalk.

Queen Dunning-Kruger

Sadly, no.

Wyman Manderley cooks up a Frey pie in ADwD. The showrunners simply ported that little tidbit over to Arya.

Yeah, I think we may see Quentyn Martell's quest to steal a dragon from ADwD ported over to Euron's storyline, with similarly disastrous results. In a similar vein, D&D took elements of Wyman Manderly's vendetta against the Freys and folded them into Arya's arc.

The prophecy translates to "the little brother," not "your little brother," so the field is wide open. Euron or even The Hound could also feasibly do the deed.

I wonder if we're going to see Quentyn Martell's dumbass idea to steal a dragon ported over to Euron's plotline — the same way Wyman Manderley's vendetta against the Freys (one of the best parts of ADwD) has been folded into Arya's arc.

I could really get behind Grammar with Stannis.

Not only is Stannis a grammar nazi, but he drops random John Berryman quotes ('ever to confess you're bored means you have no inner resources') into conversation with his daughter without missing a beat.

Willa Cather was a hard-right conservative. Ezra Pound was a raving fascist.

I've never found The Shining to be at all scary, or even particularly well made, at least by Kubrick's standards.

Birds and bees feature throughout, which seems weirdly appropriate in a film where precocious adolescent girls hang out with porn starlets.

Albert Finney's turn as the Consul in John Huston's film of Under the Volcano seems like a pretty notable miss here.