
Not to mention in the novels, he's far more instrumental in orchestrating the Red Wedding with Roose Bolton and the Freys.

Last week was definitely the Lannister High Water Mark.

The look on LF's face when Bran threw that at him was priceless.

The Lannister High Water Mark was definitely last week.

He speaks his mind, occasionally to his detriment. Stannis threw him in the dungeon at Dragonstone for it.

About as long as it takes for Ser Jorah to hoof it from Oldtown to Dragonstone . . . so, 25 minutes into the next episode?

Yes and yes. D&D are going to mothball the Dornish army and Dorne itself is going to effectively sit out the rest of the series as if it never happened. It's a mea culpa for so thoroughly bungling the post-Oberyn Martell storylines.

I was thankful to be spared her storyline this week, to be honest.

I'm not sure he's being outwitted by Cersei, though she is even more of a wild card than before. Presumably, the Casterly-Rock-for-Highgarden-bait-and-switch was Jaime's strategem — at least that's the takeaway I got from his conversation with Olenna.

He's no fan of the cult of R'hllor. He had a pretty testy exchange with a priestess in Meereen last season, IIRC.

This is all feeling very much like season 2 of Rome, where chronologies and narrative arcs are getting hatcheted and grossly compressed because the writers know they have three seasons worth of material to cram into 13 episodes.

So presumably there's still a (leaderless) army stranded in Dorne that's been mustered for team Dany. Do they take the overland route and attack Highgarden? That should take them all of, what, 2, 3 days, right?

Unsullied weren't on those ships.

She didn't do so hot against Ramsay and his dogs, either.

Varys isn't doing his job very well at the moment. Maybe she should be questioning his competence rather than his loyalty.

"You just brought piss to a shit fight!"
Erlich Bachman to Qyburn

It's unclear where the throwdown between the Battlin' Greyjoys took place, but where does Theon wash up? Back at Dragonstone? Kings Landing? Dorne? Somewhere in between like Tarth or Storms End? You'd like to think his redemption arc ends with sacrificing himself to rescue Yara, killing Euron, or both, but it seems

Funny how Tyrion omitted that "bend the knee" bit in his Ravengram to Jon.

Have I missed some hint that they were going to? They ported the most compelling part of that story — JonConn's contracting of grayscale — over to Jorah a long time ago, and dropped Arianne Martell, who would seem to figure largely into the Faegon narrative in TWoW, entirely. In fact, there's not a single character

This was Conleth Hill's finest moment in the series.