Douche Gossage

So...Mike, you’ve been accounting for the same company your whole career I assume? Never applied elsewhere, tried to get a raise, find a better situation? Even if you haven’t... would you call all your friends who changed jobs assholes...just for changing jobs?
You’re a hypocrite.
Just embrace that your hatred of Lebron

It’s funny how internet tough guys love to point this sort of thing out.

Also... I must have watched a different video. Because I saw someone run to the front to pull a teammate back (:41).

That no one in your life has kept your narcissism in check.

And the point your missing is...someone being an asshole does not necessitate “a smack in the mouth” or a fastball in the back (as it usually is).

Fuck. I forgot to use my “rhetorical question” font again.

I’m not doubting that you feel this way. Nor am I going to tell you that you shouldn’t hate James for whatever “reasons” you want. (This is part of what’s great about being a sports fan.)
But what rational reason is there to say James is a bigger asshole than someone who has attacked the dick and balls of at least 3*

Anti-Lebron folks are nothing if totally, illogically biased.

In these playoffs alone Green has touched the junk of at least 3 other players.
Other than hosting an hour of TV programming a 6 years ago...what asshole moves has Lebron pulled?

Ps- Go Warriors!