
Dwarf Fortress players did it first...

Perhaps look up the word animatronic.

Why are people worked up about resolving the coma? Or tying up various plot points? Have you not all been paying attention?

Barry is barely in Danger Island, if that helps your interest. Also each season is almost entirely self contained now, so that makes it entirely watchable if Barry is indeed your only balking point. Self contained except for callbacks of course, this year even has a great callback all the way back to Frisky Dingo,

Also Archer and Pam’s friendship was a special part if the season this year, even though it came at the expense of Archer/Lana scenes, and kinda hurt Lana’s screen time and character building as a whole. 

Master Coconut!

You seem to be implying people who disagree with you politically are automatically both unread and unintelligent. Both beliefs would be fallacies.

Andrew - “2 - Had to listen to one of my all-time favorite Chiefs Jamaal Charles talk about what a dream it was to suit up for the Denver Broncos.”

The only way it could possibly be more fun watching Charles tear it up this year is if he came over from the Raiders instead.

I understand that, but there are real competitive sports out there where the outcome is decided by the participants, including real combat sports. Why watch something that is predetermined? Plus the “drama” drummed up by the wrestlers and others involved is just so over the top and idiotic.

Wow this entire article is an admission (yes I’m aware you all know it’s staged) that wrestling is fake, yet it is written from the standpoint of wrestling having some type of importance or relevance nonetheless. Not talking about the issue of someone attempting to injure another (clearly not a cool thing to do),

Quote from above “Twenty some years ago when we had the Nigerian Nightmare and a former vacuum salesman running the ball up people’s guts the fan base was hard core. “ 

She knew from early on, she had to have, that’s why she kept moving from job to job as soon as the disease had spread at her current local. She refused to wash her hands or change her job. She was either deliberatly spreading or being deliberatly negligent in caring if it spread.