
Virgins can experience domestic violence/honor crime and infidelity, as well as female genital mutilation, sexual abuse - and through sexual abuse, unplanned pregnancy, and STIs. Judging by the disgusting, narcissistic lack of empathy you have demonstrated for women who are more sexual than you, you deserve all of

I guess you virginity feminists conveniently forget the fact that many people also have sex just for pleasure at times, and that it's up to individuals to decide for themselves what sex is for, and when. That's the problem with 40-year-old purity princesses. I can tell that you spent your teens and 20s treating the

Fuck you, bible-whipped cunt. Women like you are half the reason why people feel entitled to mistreat women and girls in the name of sexual morality. 'Feminist' my ass. Women like you deserve the kind of future predicted in Handmaids Tale. You beg for it.

These hymen bitches always fall back on calling other liberal women/ feminists some variation of man-pleasing Cool Girl when we disagree with them- as they cost up to the religious right and its rape apologists.

We as women have gotten so used to being told all our lives that not being a whore makes us better than the other girls that, for some of us, running into a sector of feminism where sex workers are treated as well as other liberal women feels like them being treated as ‘heroes.’ To the priveleged, equality can

Boo, nobody is asking you to celebrate anything. You’re simply being told to support women being treated equally regardless of how sexually modest they are or aren’t (including sex workers). Not a hard request for a feminist. You even had the option of choosing not to read, click, or comment on an article that you

False equivalent. Comparing liberal women having sex for money to Republican women voting for Trump is like an Evangelical Christian comparing women who have casual/premarital sex to women who choose to be segregationists and blame other women for sexual abuse/dismiss victims as liars. The choices aren't even remotely

Do you honestly believe that every Italian girl who tans is trying to be black? Is your next thing going to be accusing any woman who dyes her hair black of cultural appropriation just to troll?

If you can’t understand why a young liberal woman dumping and moving on quickly from a boyfriend is seen as less worthy of condemnation than the MAGA misogynistic, racist, antisemitic, and in one case abusive antics of two middle-aged men on any online community more feminist than, say, redpill? My suggestion is

Certain places have falsified some extremely toxic, misogynistic rumors about her over the past couple of years (she’s pretty much damned if she does call them out, damned if she ignores them) too, so when she says she gets sick to her stomach, I believe her.

Anything a woman says or does publicly is automatically is seen as just seeking validation/attention. 

Anything women say, wear, or do publicly is labelled as a grab for attention/ validation. It’s another way we’re dehumanized just for existing publicly. To the misogynists, the only way for a woman to demonstrate that she isn’t doing something for attention is to do/say it privately where nobody can see or hear it.

The dicks & cunts of Dlisted are notorious for this kind of crappy behavior along with their general misogyny. Whoever can be the crappiest to women and scream the loudest about ‘word policing’ is The Realest.

They should come up with some kind of software that counteracts this nonsense by hiding anything on someone's profile that isn't cheerful and upbeat.

Agreed. With the exception of being an abuser, addict, bigot, or thief, I really don’t think a person’s off the clock/ social media behavior should ever impact whether or not they get a job. With software like this, a person could be out of a job just because they’re snarky, use social media to discuss heavy/

I have mixed feelings about her. No lies detected in anything she’s said here, but sometimes she gets a bit misogynistic and pushy with the respectability politics- then plays victim when a few allies of whatever woc or non-poc woman she’s shamed get rough. Pajiba  had  a good article about it not too long ago. She

Using a woman’s sexual history as an insult to make your point? How lazy and puritanical. You could have made a point about her lack of education without the whorephobia, bruh. I’m sure you 've enjoyed your hentai, your erotica, & your pornhub in life, as well as possibly at least 1 one night stand before, so don't

When boys have this done to them at ages when they can remember the suffering, when circumcision has the same medical risks that FGM has, when straight boys and men are manipulated and abused physically, psychologically, socially, politically, etc. in the name of 'purity' on the same scale that girls and women are, and

I can definitely see talivangelicals and other misogynists using this ruling to have their daughters mutilated.

Does anyone have/heard any Me Too stories about music producer Dallas Austin? He's Chilli's ex. On another site I came across a woman who says she was drugged and raped by him and an industry buddy of his in the 90s, and that she’s not the only woman they did this to. The man is a misogynistic piece of crap, so it's