
Ariana tore Piers Morgan a new one this week over his slut-shaming of female celebrities, and her mom, Lauren Jauregui, and a few others joined in. It was epic. So tired of that mansplaining shitstain & the Good Girls (conservative and liberal) who cosign his misogynistic worldview. #ThankUNext #GodIsAWoman

Just no. You missed the whole part of the conversation about agency and clearly don’t understand that a woman choosing not to be sexually modest in the way she presents herself, lives life, and makes art is not the same as someone objectifying a woman. Stop victim-blaming. Telling women of color- or any women for that

Part of the reason for that is probably because of the way the word ‘objectification ‘ is misused, overused, and abused in conversations about women and sexual modesty. Under patriarchy ‘unchaste ‘ women/girls are viewed as ‘used up' sub-humans to be marginalized, punished, and otherwise mistreated. So of course

Not that poor people are less than, or that the thought of one’s tax dollars going to feed other human beings is offensive to anyone other than a narcissistic sociopath or anything. But, um, you do realize that Mariah Carey can probably buy and sell you, your poor wife (who surely has self-esteem/daddy issues and is

Just checked his profile/comment history. He’s not even subtle or “Both Sides!” in his racism. His username might as well be ‘Heil Drumpf.'

This is probably one of the most nuanced, real, sex-positive articles I’ve read on objectification and female characters. Too often these conversations turn into, “All attractive sexually immodest portrayals of real or fictional women are objectification! Let’s cry oppression/abuse/exploitation every time we see it,

Wow. That's messed up.

I think Brielle is 20 or 21, so that joke is less offensive, but she still needs to STFU. Famous young women don't need more prostitution rumors circulating without consent.

I can’t tell from these pics if it’s that Kim Z actually edited her child’s butt, or if she just shrank her waist/lower back and this is the result. Either way, the kind of unsavory blind gossip sites you mention are still more problematic than this and shouldn’t be legitimized by feminists- between the circulating

How does someone in gvt. wearing their religious garb at work affect anyone, though? It's not like someone removing it or putting it on makes them more progressive in their thinking.

White feminism strikes again. I guess coercing middle-eastern and Muslim women into western standards that violate their personal cultural standards of modesty is more important than diversity. I hope you support Free the Nipple, never, ever slut-shame women for their choices about dress, photoshoots, sexual activity,

I agree with you, and don't really get why there's a rule against athletes accepting gifts and donations anyway. I think the reason behind the poverty and how sudden it was, plus the negative publicity they were getting were all factored in when they made that decision.

Kill yourself, homophobic victim-blaming  cracker. As a matter of fact, why don’t we just exterminate all republican/independent Christian white males instead? That way we can cut down on the existence of abusive parents like these. If you don't want to be executed, don't be an abusive homophobe.

That’s seriously your takeaway from all this? Mine is #BanAbrahamicReligionsNow #NoVotingRIghts4Republicans for at least 100 years.

Between this and that victim-blaming case in Ireland, I definitely believe it could happen in the ‘progressive' West. It may not happen quickly, but who knows what this side of the world will look like in the next century or two.

Ellen, Miley, anybody.

#SlutWalk forever! Yuh.

The same thing comes to mind when I think of different female celebrities who have been slut-shamed for extended periods of time. Especially if it started before their brains were fully developed- in some cases before they were even out of their teens. That’s got to have an impact.

And they always paint themselves/ get painted by others as one of the rare (insert any marginalized groups) who thinks for themselves, is logical rather than emotional, is strong, is moral, or some other self-aggrandizing yet ultimately degrading version of 'One Of The Good Ones '.

Her attention-seeking and showing skin aren’t bad things in and of themselves unless certain... expectations...about how young women are ‘SUPPOSED’ to dress & behave are being projected. My only concern is how far she may take her drug experimentation.