
How is she an awful human being? 

They are - just as much as the homophobia experienced by gay and bisexual people is abuse and inequality. When you have marginalized people driven to PTSD, self-mutilation, and suicide, being called dehumanizing slurs, being told that their ‘deviance’ must be either a mental illness that needs ‘curing’, a symptom of

What ‘misogynistic standards?’ You mean the principle that women should be able to make their own choices about sexuality and modesty without the manipulation, without blame for male behavior, and without the physically, economically, socially, politically, verbally, emotionally, or psychologically abusive behaviors

They’re not, though. Conservatives attack porn based on their misogynistic beliefs about sexual morality, female sexual modesty, and how loose women trigger men into abusive/destructive behaviors. It’s all about enforcing Judeo-Christian values. They view women who don’t save their bodies for a private relationship

Girl, shut the fact up! You know any time a woman makes a physical appearance choice that’s pretty or sexy, it’s only because she’s thirsty for male approval/ open for business, and that any woman who says otherwise is to be dismissed as a lying Cool Girl thot using feminism as a shield because she's a worthless

Call it out. Misogynistic abuse from sex-negative feminists and liberal women does not have to be accepted in the name of ‘unity’ just because we’re all women and vote the same. If anyone calls you a 'Cool Girl' for speaking up, they're the problem.

It would be nice if we could acknowledge that a lot of ( not all of, but a lot of) the feminist pearl-clutching against porn, female sex-workers, certain female celebrities is also tied to the same toxicity that drives conservative pearl -clutching about porn and female sexual modesty.

The feminists who are against porn also tend to be the same feminists who are in the habit of slut-shaming and victim-blaming.

May I ask why you seem so uncomfortable with the idea of white supremacist speech being disrupted? Unless you’re (rightfully) shot for your ‘beliefs ‘, shut the fuck up and be grateful, narcissistic cracker. In other countries you’d be in jail or worse. As far as I'm concerned, you 'people'deserve the same fate as

Desensitized Good Girl Syndrome. It’s a mentality any woman can choose to succumb to after growing up in a culture that constantly teaches her to dehumanize women who are more sexual than her and tells her that not being ‘slutty’ keeps men acting right/makes her better than the other girls. Let a brown man from

We all need to do our part to end everyday dehumanization of sexually immodest women. We need to call out and reject all forms of abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, and propaganda that have normalized this version of 'morality'. Even when that means being dismissed as an 'SJW', 'Ameriskank', 'Cool Girl', or whatever

Add victim-blamers and slut-shamers across all religio-political persuasions (even the ones who vote D and identify as feminists) to the witch hunt list and you can count me in. Enablers of violence against women get no passes since they feed the beast through their casual dehumanization of sexually immodest women.

This plays out with female former child stars all the time. You won’t believe how common it is for people to either insist that a female celebrity was raped her way to the top/ pimped out as a child with 0 say-so from her, or in the case of actual victims, try to talk over her and dictate based on their own prejudices

I'm worried. Something tells me Katy Perry is about to be subjected to a lot of misogynistic abuse, regardless of what's revealed.

Tanning for beauty purposes only  /= brownface.

I don't remember the exact numbers, but I do remember reading some statistics from 2016 and from this time around showing that most of the white women voting for these scumbags are middle-aged and older too. (Not that there aren't deplorable WW in their teens and 20's as well; the information just showed that most of

That actually could have went either way, since we're talking about Trump supporters. Neither extreme would be surprising.

CDAN is rape culture in the form of a celebrity gossip blog. It’s perfect for the kind of people who see no problem with circulating deep fakes & nudes/ sex tapes of adults and minors without consent. Only instead, they spread false rumors about women/girls being involved in prostitution, false rumors about them being

That's also a good analogy for why different forms of misogyny are so accepted and even protected. Just look at how defensive some guys and girls of all political persuasions get when slut-shaming and victim-blaming are criticized.

I'm sure the misogynistic sociopaths of CDAN will spin this into something gross, as always. They've apparently already exploited Selena's struggles for personal gain by trying to make her into a trafficked, crackedout suicidal child prostitute for shits&giggles. That kind of predatory slander is just what a sensitive