
Meh. Teens and tweens wearing extensions, weaves, or wigs isn't a problem to  me or even unusual. Some of the girls I went to school with started getting weaves and extensions in 6th grade.

Miley didn’t get any alterations while underage unless you count veneers. Noah definitely did something. But I give teenagers a pass on cultural appropriation in most cases. Miley is definitely cancelled for hers though.

Katy Perry is now already being called every name in the book on sites like Dlisted for saying she wasn't raped.

I don’t know, but shit like this is why I can’t respect the ‘feminism’ of anyone who goes around spreading rape rumors and casting couch rumors about girls and women in the entertainment industry. These CDAN-style ‘feminists’ will do all kinds of logical gymnastics to try to make what they’re doing sound ethical and

With other Hollywood predators, we’ve seen that when famous women say they weren’t abused, they get branded as lying complicit Cool Girl whores. She may have wanted to avoid that kind of treatment.

Good point. I think part of the reason for the double-standard (besides the legal aspect) is the fact that certain drugs are more deadly than alcohol. In this case fentanyl was involved.

Yeah. This and some of the other gossip stuff going on right now is not good for her mental health. She’s already having some nastiness projected onto her and  people are crapping on her for relapsing. She probably isn't feeling too good about herself right now.

Which is exactly why I have 0 tolerance for 'Dear-Muslimah'-types ( be they conservative MRAs or feminist liberal-types) whose response to millennial feminists calling out misogynistic attitudes is "Can't you precious snowflakes be grateful you aren't being brutalized like women over there? #FirstWorldProblems!"

How did the subhuman horror of conservative white males make it to my beautiful homeland?

I agree. To me, adult women who would falsely accuse men of rape are on the same level as sexual predators- or if not exactly the same, at least almost as bad. White women specifically targeting black men or other men of color for these false allegations are also on the same level as nazi scumbags, since they use

Hopefully hair extensions/ weaves/wigs aren’t going to be the new physical appearance choice to smugly and concern-trollingly chastise women over in the name of feminism (when it’s really just about competition) . Folks already do that ish with cosmetic surgery, make-up, revealing clothes, the hijab, and nude

Seriously? Hair grows back- a fact that every woman, regardless of what country she's from, is fully aware of when she makes the decision to have her hair cut and either sold or donated. It doesn't make her a victim of anything. 

As a woman of girl, both in life and in death, there are always complicit people looking to exploit your suffering for some harmful conservative agenda without your consent. 

No. Not here for Nicki or any other woman selectively being against slut-shaming, whorephobia, & victim-blaming only when it’s personally convenient for them. That’s not dismantling the ‘hymenarchy’, that’s just trying to put yourself up ‘higher’ on it while marginalizing those who are ‘lower’ on it. And I say all

I'm now wondering if finding out that Asia Argento raped a kid is part of the reason for his suicide.

The rights of prostitutes (and other sex workers) are connected not just to labor rights, but to other feminist issues like victim-blaming and all the ways  societies dehumanize women who are considered unchaste. That’s why you see feminist focus on this.

They're basically 'Tradfems'. Like 'Tradcons', only instead of being a bunch of conservatives and MRAs mansplaining to everyone that female sexual immodesty makes women subhuman and to blame for their own oppression, they're a bunch of feminists and liberals doing it. Makes the work of religious folks and rape

There are so many....feminists..... who would be ready to label you a ‘Cool Girl’ just for voicing an opinion like that- especially if you’re a Millenial. They get mad and condescending pretty quickly when we don’t passively accept the misogynistic abuse and inequality taught as ‘respectability’ under victim-blaming,

You don't get to call another woman a rape victim without her consent.

Please don't go around forcing rape victim labels on women you don't know. That's disgusting and taking 'celebrity gossip'  way too far.