
Fail. Bailing someone out for nonviolent crimes protesting rape culture and white supremacy does not make a person ‘Just As Bad/Immoral ‘ as the ones participating in the rape culture, misogyny, and white supremacy. That’s a false equivalent usually made by male conservatives and libertarians (usually white and almost

Even when it’s not for the stereotypical reason (which we all need to be careful about), childhood fame can be a stressful, risky, and in some ways mentally abusive experience. Especially when any inequalities are factored in. Plus, you have to look at individual child star’s family/ mental health backgrounds. Both of

That's a TRADfem for you.

Her mother paid the bail but still, I agree it’s a bad look. Realistically not everybody is going to handle a blood relative being accused of abuse in the best of ways, so because she didn’t Lena Dunham or Camille Cosby the situation, I didn’t condemn her too harshly. But it’s interesting that the same chick who can

So much for the 'civilized west full Ameriskanks with nothing to complain about '.

Sure, but whenever women try to call out the mentality that’s the common denominator behind female genital mutilation, modesty-based victim-blaming, young women being sexually bullied to the point of suicide, abuse of sex workers,and honor crimes, western people don’t want to hear it.

It’s respectability politics with a mixture of derailment: Bitch more about a ‘tawdry ‘ way different girls or women are standing up to sexism, different forms of misogynistic abuse, manipulation, etc. than you are about the manipulation/ misogyny itself. Add a dash of dear muslimah-style Damonsplaining and voila!

Just about every culture and group seems to have some variation of these kinds of women. The type of woman who does her Most to minimize, excuse, or even further the different ways we’re collectively abused, discriminated against, gaslighted, etc. under victim-blaming, Abrahamic patriarchy (+ homophobia, transphobia,

Reasoning like this makes libertarians often come across like entitled, bratty teenage boys.

The fucked up side of celebs being viewed as more trustworthy for sharing #Me Too experiences is that now, it’s extra trendy for gossips to paint women as lying, damaged wh*res if they say they haven’t been sexually abused in their careers. And if the woman’s fame began before she was an adult, gossips think it’s

...Which is actually much worse. IMO a wealthy, grown woman can have the agency to decide whether or not a movie role is something she’ll have sex for, but threatening to cause harm to someone if they don’t submit to your sexual ‘requests’ is coercion at best.

Feeling triggered, snowflake? I thought you conservatives and libertarians were all about free speech & shit. Don't worry, Rush Limpdick, I posted it elsewhere in the thread so your sorry diaper-ass can't throw another censorship tantrum and delete it. You can go sob back in feckless mama Ivankunt's basement about

I replied to him, “Come out as a Trump supporter, get shot. Come out as an MRA or Evangelical Christian, get castrated. Come out as a defender of either, get punched. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas, ya cross - whipped cracker.” His crybaby response was to tell me I was being shitty and dismiss my reply. Man-chil

Come out as a Trump supporter, expect to be shot. Come out as an MR A or Evangelical Christian, expect to be castrated. Come out as a defender of either, expect to be punched. When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas, ya cross-beaten cracker. 

Clearly the #Me Too stories about you will be coming out any day now.

Your argument is rendered invalid by the fact that most people who are sexually harassed/assaulted/molested have that happen to them without being porn stars.

Not that long ago when Stoya revealed that she was raped by James Dean, even feminists here and elsewhere were participating in victim-blaming by blaming her abuse on porn. SWERFs/ sex-negative victim-blaming feminists within the movement sometimes make me feel ashamed and regretful about even being a feminist.

Uranus tryin' to slytherin.

Right. Sometimes it seems like people are using the #Me Too movement to hold actresses and other female celebrities to standards they don't even personally live by.

Because it’s not fair or realistic to expect all actresses, pop stars, etc. who work and live in highly gossipy environments to take seriously every rumor they hear, act immediately, and shout it to the rooftops?