
I think all of that, combined with some of the shitty ways the public treats young people growing up in the public eye, especially when you add in factors like gender, sexuality, and/or race are a big part of the problem too. What a mindfuck it must be to be both spoiled and dehumanized as a kid, and for it to all

1.) I am a cisgender bisexual woman.

Fuck civility, fuck deplorables, fuck TERFs, and fuck SWERFs. The world would be a better place without the lot of them. How's that for civility?

TERF s are like SWERFs in that way: Call them on their mistreatment of the same categories of women who the religious right already shits on, and suddenly YOU'RE the 'Cool Girl '; they're the victims.

False equivalent, as usual.

A lot of the shit she gets is also rooted in the hatred of 'loose women'. 

As far as who the onus should be on when it comes to rape culture goes, I agree that both sexes need to be taught about enthusiastic consent, and that girls and women need to be held accountable for slut-shaming and victim-blaming, but ultimately it's up to men as the sex responsible for most of the rapes.

Careful- say one slightly mocking or critical thing about Sinead O’Connor around these parts and one of her aging white feminist fan-girls might cut you! Several months ago I made a harmless comment on jez mentioning her as an example of a victim-blaming SWERF and one of her stans went apeshit. Revoked my feminist

I don’t care if one of Trump’s evil racist bitches gets called a gash or a cunt, and I don’t care if people want to shit on his adult children. But I agree with the rest of your comment. Child stars/Kids in the public eye are already regular targets for comments that they either should be raped or are to blame for

The fact that you’re still- nearly 2 years later- reducing this to just a matter of ‘disagreement ‘ just reveals your own racism and misogyny. Take your both sides shit back to breitbart, republicunt.

For me it’s all about who uses it and how it’s being used. A woman using it in the same context where she’d call a guy a dick is NBD. However, in most cases I’ll respect another woman’s preference to not be called one due to it’s connection to abusers. But when it’s a woman who’s made it clear that she’s cool with

Now if we can just get everybody on the left to stop speculating that a woman’s behavior is a result of sexual abuse whenever she exhibits female sexuality they disagree with. That would be two yays.

SO sorry the meal of some well-fed Murricans who have enough money to be eating out was interrupted by protesters saying some words. While people are being dehumanized, let’s prioritize restaurant customers not having to hear serious words while they eat in public. /s Talk about first world problems.

I just wish that for once she’d release one of her ballads as a single.

Christina has idolized and credited black r&b singers all her life though, and has consistently worked with black and other Latino artists. She’s not like Miley Cyrus - a white girl who didn’t even know a Jay-Z song suddenly deciding to use part of another culture to make herself look edgy, only to turn around and act

Agreed. He’s crazy. It may not be as good as Stripped, but Liberation is fire.

The bigot will accuse anyone being critical of what’s being said about that particular celeb of ‘stanning’ or being otherwise overly invested.

Agreed. I hate that the slut-shaming and victim-blaming have already started against her - some of it from self-proclaimed feminists.

Exactly. That’s why I hate it when critique of misogyny/and or racism directed at different famous women is dismissed with the ‘stan’ card.

Yes. And you know misogynist- including those with similar religious backgrounds to her parents... are going to exploit it for their own propaganda.