
One of my faves needs to get papped in a t-shirt that says “Liberal Hollywood Bitch”.

Your ‘think of the children!’ reaction kind of cancels out your ‘That’s not edgy’ attempt at nonchalance, though.

Yeah, this is the first time the PTC (a normally sexist, puritanical organization) has a valid point. Normally they’re just about pushing Christian values. Fun fact: Billy Ray Cyrus is part of this group.

Crying ‘strawman’ when your own argument is repeated is usually a last minute desperate attempt at gaslighting when one has already lost the debate. A woman declining to sleep with a man would have to prevent him from ever acting violently with her or anyone else in order to give validity to your argument that women

Apparently you’re neither intelligent enough nor honest enough to acknowledge the pretty simple fact that women refusing to sleep with men won’t stop men from raping or otherwise abusing. Hate to break it to you, but any hypothetical time when you or your adult male role models put your hands or other unmentionables

Nice predictable MRA shift of accountability there, bruh.

He’s having a meltdown because I dismissed his second little Deplorable Apologist rant. White masculinity so fragile.

“Proves that single black mothers are the worst care takers of kids.” Yet here you are bitching about men being demonized. You just took one headline about a black woman doing something evil and applied it to all black women. That, my dear, makes you both a racist and a misogynist. Be real, you don’t give a damn about

So in other words, they’re spoiled, narcissistic toddlers who use their right to vote to throw tantrums that jeopardize the safety of others. That sounds like a group of people who can be reached with...

It reminds me of all the post-election talk about how Trump-supporters are ‘victims’ of liberal bullying and how Trump’s win is the fault of uppity PC aggressive women/poc/gays being too rough with them, #NotAllTrumpSupporters, etc. The story is never about them taking accountability.

Drama over nothing as usual- but that’s what these people build their brands on. Also, thinly veiled ‘Not That Kind of Girl’ prudery in Jameela’s first tweet detected. Anyway, some things should not have to be explained. There’s a difference between someone using an appetite suppressant to cut down on unnecessary

I’m actually in love with the Christina and Demi collab. Can’t wait for the Fall in Line video. They’re going to perform this live at the billboard music awards Sunday too. Should be awesome.

Yep. That’s why I sort of side-eye women and men who have no shame claiming their dependent exemptions, collecting child support, etc. but who will come into a discussion about women who posed nude/ semi-nude, were former strippers, or profited off a sex-tape with little screeds about how profiting off of one’s body

Good point. Honestly though, using one’s own body or sexuality to get ahead and feminism are not mutually exclusive. People need to understand that women being free to say no to something AND women being free to do something without being painted as inferior or dehumanized are both important parts of feminism. Both

Yeah,as a bisexual woman I have mixed feelings about this. Our sexuality is seen as a temporary thing that’s only for drunk/ high women seeking male attention. But on the other hand you have these rigid expectations and respectability politics that are applied. Is it fair to expect women to identify as lesbian or

It’s not that I excuse misogyny and racism from the right-I just expect it from them and don’t think they give a fuck. To many of them, just being asked to take a critical look at themselves in that area is ‘PC SJW nonsense at best and persecution of men, whites, and Christians at worst.

She’s not just talking about Azealia Banks’ behavior. A lot of white feminists have been shitty about Cardi B too. Basically, too many think feminism is about how the college-educated, smug, chaste, Plain Jane tomboy who speaks in the proper dialect is above all other women.

Which makes Azealia’s quickness to slut-shame Rihanna and Skai Jackson ironic AF.

Me too. The virtue-signaling is ridiculous.

One of the things that’s irksome about the Azealia situation is that as long as she saved her nastiness for other pretty, popular WOC who people wanted to see taken down a peg, there were liberals who were willing to laugh off her bad behavior and praise her as a realist. It was only when her toxicity started to