
She also slut-shamed that kid, calling her a thot and saying her mother pimped her out to disney. (and also said her mother must have given someone bjs in order for her to have a career) Our culture is so misogynistic that there’s a sad possibility of her being seen as a bold truthteller or spewing something like that

I think it would be amazing to hear IF and only if we finally lived in a society where one woman could open up about negativity around something without her story being used and projected onto other women. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The religious right plays this game better than anyone else though, when it

“I also like that she is honest about why she did it.” Is assuming that a woman is lying about what’s behind her decisions about her body your default? I mean, individual women can take all kinds of stances about things like decisions about physical appearance, clothing, sexuality, and reproduction. But if one woman

Oh please. A female refusing to conform to a standard of modesty that males her age aren’t expected to isn’t exploitation, it’s equality and it’s rejection of victim-blaming. Exploitation is a real issue, but women and teenage girls not being as modest as others feel they should isn’t an example of that.

Put a topless underage Taylor Lautner, Justin Bieber, Daniel Radcliffe, Sad Efron, or any other male celebrity in a photo shoot like that and tell me it would have caused the same aggressive modesty-policing response that the Miley photo did. This was Miley’s first public lesson on how about-shaming and victim-blaming

This is great. But I couldn’t help thinking, “if a female celebrity who didn’t present herself the way Janelle Monae does, would her coming out as bisexual/pansexual be taken seriously? Or would someone with a more feminine or more sexualized image be dismissed as a lying, narcissistic whore out for male attention?

It is, because this isn’t just a pattern with her. Whenever a female celebrity is considered skanky and overexposed, people dismiss anything positive. Even on the left, attitudes about women are still very one-dimemsional. Nobody would have cried ‘PR’ about a classy female celebrity being anti-trump, even though

Shhh....only binary thinking is allowed when a woman doesn’t fall on the right side of the virgin-whore dichotomy. You can either be an attention -seeking, rich, sexually immodest woman OR genuinely anti-Trump, but not both.

This isn’t about the class of his wife though. He could have married a frumpy evangelical Christian girl next door who bled on her wedding night and never sought fame, and it would be no different.

Exactly. Hearsay is problematic shit such as, “Blind Gossip says this female celebrity was pimped out to a producer as a child star, and that’s why she grew up to be an uppity sex positive Hollywood thot. Sad. #ReturntoModesty” , or “Rumor has it this successful, attractive female celebrity is whoring her way to the

I agree, except there are middle class (and sometimes poor) Trump supporters who make the same excuses as the rich Hollywood ones. Then of course there are the misguided mostly white liberals and libertarians who use those excuses to defend Trump supporters from criticism because they don’t want to acknowledge how

Oh they’ll be here, just you wait. Expect a bunch of shrill ”Porn & Oral S*x aren’t feminist acts!!!” strawmen ( nobody said that those things were feminist acts. Neither is abortion, same-sex marriage, premarital sex, single motherhood, or collecting child support. Yet as feminists, we still defend people’s right to

Agreed. With bisexual women there’s sometimes this odd feeling in feminist circles that it’s ok for us to have a desire to sexually please female partners ( as long as the women involved are the respectable type of woman who’s allowed to be taken seriously as bisexual), but that the desire to sexually please male

Yet still a lot less patriarchal than the slut-shaming.

It’s neither feminism nor the opposite of feminism.

Slut-shaming is peak patriarchy. There’s nothing feminist about acting like women who don’t save sexuality for what you personally feel it should be saved for are beneath you.

Literally nobody said that you have to like all women of every choice they make. Just be respectful and remember that being a feminist isn’t like being a Jehovah’s witness or an Evangelical Christian- you’re not entitled to disrespect or further marginalize women for making decisions about sex that you find sinful.

So if a 19-or -20-year-old gets pregnant, she should feel pressured to get an abortion in order to please older “feminists”? And if she doesn ‘t, we should publicly shame her for being an unmarried 20-year -old who kept her baby? Or are young single women supposed to just keep their legs closed? Whatever happened to

Did you know that not everybody shares your feeling that sexuality should only be for loving relationships though? I mean if that’s a limit for you and the only way you can feel ok, fine, live by it. But it’s possible for you to save sex for love without going on virtue-signaling rants about “prostitution”- there are

I think the things people are taught about woman’s role and how we’re supposed to behave has also played a major role in domestic violence. Generations of men have been taught that marrying/sleeping with a woman= owning her and that we’re supposed to be meek and submissive to them at all times. That’s a recipe for a