
Sadly, it will also trigger fauxrage with feminists of the victim-blaming, “Good heavens! Do today’s young women not realize that sexy immodesty and rejecting rape culture don’t go together? They’re Part Of The Of The Problem! These thots are why men keep raping, beating, and harassing us! The anti-victim-blaming sex

Guess we know what you’ve been up to since you were a teenager, Lol. Your victims will be going public soon. Your days of freedom are numbered, old man. BTW, teen taking nudes of themselves /= teens raping people, moron. Only one of those things is a violent crime borne of entitlement and dehumanization that has

So as usual Boys will be boys because testosterone, and women need to stop playing victim ( I guess trying to change the behavior of the privileged is playing victim) and start limiting themselves if they don’t want to become victims of testosterone. Must be nice to grow up having sycophants ready to use your hormones

You do realize that women’s (and children’s too) faces can be edited into pornographic images of other people too, right?

She’s almost 21 now, so I think she was still 20 when she got pregnant. But even if it had been 19, that’s still not a minor.

Agreed, except I don’t mind adults glamorizing pregnancy/motherhood on Instagram. If a 15-year-old did it, that would be a little concerning.

She’s almost 21. It’s not harmful. 20 and 21-year-olds have been having babies for thousands of years. Just because an adult has minors in their fanbase doesn’t mean they can’t do and celebrate adult things. Ariana Grande, age 24, has kids in her fan base. Is it harmful and wrong for her to celebrate driving a Bentley

Your life may be in opposition to those values, but the way you treat women who don’t shut up and accept those violent, conservative attitudes fits right in with that agenda. People don’t get to hide behind their pasts to justify treating others like garbage or making excuses for abuse. Sinead is responsible for what

Girls and women have been consistently mistreated and brutalized specifically because of the idea that sexual immodesty and sex work are things that make them less than. You know this. Yet instead of putting your hymen-gazing “I’m Not That Kind of Girl, y’all! I’m one of the Classy Bitches!” ego aside for 10 seconds

TERFs and SERFs are all too real unfortunately. A certain toxic and somewhat popular Canadian ‘radical feminist’ site that Shall Not Be Named comes to mind. But they pop up on sites like this one when issues around trans women, female sex workers, female sexual immodesty, and empowerment are being discussed. There are

Trump supporters are abuse supporters by default, whether male or female. When you neo-nazi, woman-hating bible-thumping rapist lovers get called out for your shitty, abusive, inhumane political decisions, that’s not you becoming an abuse victim, that’s you getting back some of what you put out there. Throwing a

Yes. Before the inevitable “SHE KNEW! #Complicit whore! She knew and did nothing! LOCK HER UP!” misogynistic bs  that happened with Weinstein starts, let’s remember that she at least left when she heard about what he did. For whatever it’s worth. Seriously, what the fuck do people expect women in the industry to do

Do people even realize that the whole “This is why Trump won (because y’all got too uppity and divisive)!” card is another version of victim-blaming? I expect that from libertarians, but unfortunately there are (mostly older and male, but not always) white liberals who play this card too.

It’s like state-sanctioned rape.

Now let’s watch as you and other sex-negative white ‘radfems’ perform all sorts of logical gymnastics in order to pretend there’s any difference between what you just said and a religious conservative blaming sex crimes on women dressing provocatively, keeping nudes on their phones, or engaging in hookup culture.

The ads could feature purity rings and ball gowns or burka and hijab and sexual harassment allegations wouldn’t be any less likely. Sex crimes have nothing to do with sexual modesty.

I think both of you are right. The mother should have been helped, AND the baby should have been taken from her. Compassion to me means not forcing an innocent baby to be raised by an addict- especially a baby girl, as daughters of addicts seem to be at a higher risk of being trafficked or sold for a fix. That said, I

I don’t believe her, but it’s OK. No woman or man wants to be known as a person who shagged Donald Trump.

For women of all sexual orientations and men who aren’t straight, victimization does sometimes get turned into a shaming tool when it comes to sexuality, and that’s part of the problem. Who here hasn’t seen homophobes or slut-shamers diagnose things they disapprove of in strangers as symptoms of sexual abuse? Even

The prudish part is peoples’ need to repetitively and loudly perform how “tired” they are of women showing skin instead of ignoring something so allegedly boring.