
Immodesty under a slut-shaming rape culture can be confidence too though, whether a woman is attractive or not. That doesn’t mean Kim Kardashian is any kind of feminist hero (before the strawmen start). But since everything about women and girls from respectability, value, what causes one gets to be a part of, what

True boredom involves ignoring something and not treating it like it’s newsworthy.

Female Modesty does not equal security. But in Kim K’s case I just think it’s her doing what she does. Not really a matter of security or insecurity a this point. She enjoys her idea of beautiful and sexy pictures and the public reacts because we’re prudes.

I wonder how many victims you have?

It would be one thing if either of these women kept the fact that they can’t yet see these male friends as rapists themselves. Not every private thought needs to be put out for the public’s consumption. But by coming out- especially as public figures- to call Aurora and Dylan’s abuse lies, they’re contributing to the

But it wasn’t about voting for first gentleman( I guess that’s what a female president’s husband would be called), it was about voting for president. While neither candidate was some upstanding moral person, the question of which one was worse wasn’t complicated at all. “ Do I vote for a female democrat who defended

Yes they did. And those who did are just as guilty as you men who voted for him. Nobody who voted for him gets a pass. Your point? I was specifically calling out the irony of conservative men (and the excuse-making libertarian men) who choose to embrace Trump’s harassments, assaults, and racism one minute and

They posted an article about Wynn, but notice how there are a lot less comments on the article about a man who actually committed rapes and sexual assaults than there are on a woman who didn’t punish a man harshly enough for sexual harassment.

No matter how smug you, the rest of Cult 45, and your (predominantly) white libertarian enablers are feeling about this, remember: Hillary not properly handling sex crimes committed by YOUR gender will never justify the fact that you helped vote a rapist into the presidency. You voted for white supremacy and rape

I don’t count the narcissistic Looney tune comment directed at Monica because Monica has been open about the fact that she actively pursued that consensual affair. But I agree with the rest.

Yep. And then the girls are policed and punished for it by conservatives AND liberals when they don’t appear to be living up to it perfectly or decide to rebel against it early in their adulthood.

Agreed. That’s why I cant really get on board with liberals shaming some of the starlets mentioned here for not being consistent in how they’ve lived/ presented themselves sexually.

Oh my god. “...quietly concluding that the amount of control we, the public, were assuming of ‘our’ celebrities was probably not healthy for anyone involved...” The way males AND females- often on the right, but sadly, a lot of times on the left too- spoke and wrote about and these girls any time they did anything

I’m all for dismantling the idea that sexuality exists only for men, and that we as women have no sexuality- it’s just something we perform for male approval. But the answer to that isn’t “Women (in this case, we’re talking mostly about straight women) expressing a desire to sexually please their men is bad.” There

Holy false equivalent, Batman. Women in the music industry like Nicki Minaj not choosing a sexually modest classy girl image for themselves is nowhere near the same as or even related to men raping and harassing women. The fact that people try to lump the way some women in the music industry dress/present with sex

Yes, misogyny and rape culture are men’s responsibilities, just like white supremacy is the responsibility of white people. It’s not a hard concept.

I have to admit that my eyebrows do raise a little bit for a minute when a non- wealthy couple has 5 or more kids. When it’s a poor, single person, (of any sex) it happens at 3 or more kids. I just think, “Why would you want to?” But to each their own. I think for a rich couple, it would have to be 8 kids in order for

I struggle with this as well. The OP has a lot of valid points, so this isn’t an attack on her. But sometimes labeling certain causes as white feminist feels like more erasure of those of us biracial/WOC who are fighting for that thing too.

Oh please. No offense, but the Enty/Cdan crowd has been complicit in the rape culture and misogyny faced by women and girls in the entertainment industry for years. They circulate rumors true or false (like they give a fuck. it’s vile either way) about women and underage girls surfing the casting couch and their

Let’s just hope society doesn’t weaponize her history of abuse against her through the usual gaslighting- by claiming that her sexuality and immodesty are symptoms of the abuse. They’ve already pulled this on poor Bella Thorne and plenty of others.