
She said it in some interview a few months ago, plus a few years ago some girl from the UK blabbed about their hookup, plus years before that when she was still a Disney teen and photos leaked some of them involved a girl. As a bisexual woman I get the frustration, but if another bisexual woman wants to sing about a

Exactly. But at least it’s getting slightly less sexist than the original witch hunts that started after the Harvey news dropped: Everyone was focused on which starlets they would now get to call talentless whores , which sex-positive immodest starlets they could now paint as damaged, slutty Hollywood rape victims,

It’s another Whitney Kimball article. She, like many Americans sees Sexpredatorgate and #MeToo as a sweet chance to shout about how much more virtuous the Have-nots are than the Haves by  going after rich celebrities for the actions of their colleagues. Her last two articles had her shaming and blaming women like

I wish they had put Gotenks in the tournament instead of Master Roshi, and that the character designs for the 2 female saiyans were better. But so far, even though it drags a little, this arc has been the best one. The way they ruined the story of Future Trunks + paired him with freaking MAI instead of an awesome, new

Not everyone here fucks with Lena Dunham, and your using misogynistic terms in trying to straightmansplain to the massses doesn’t make you some warrior for poc. Next.

Bullshit. That’s exactly what’s going on here. Just like when toxic second-wavers drone on about being more feminist for not wearing make-up, covering up, and shitting on sex positive feminists for not accepting their abuse of different women.

Shitting on women for not being modest enough to not take a picture at a protest is a way of painting yourself as ‘more woke’ though. Guess the catty oneupswomanship of feminism never ends! We’re always trying to prove we’re not as vapid and girly as the other girls!

Attacking the character of a young woman for taking a selfie (The Horror!) is nothing new or or revolutionary. “Selfies are for narcisstic vain whores. Real feminists and real activists don’t do that shit” is just a tired, divisive trope tat certain women are using to pat themselves on the back for being more ‘modest.’

What a lovely message MRAs preach to themselves, other men, and little boys: “Women and girls are accountable for anything we do to them. Not us. We’re hapless victims of our libidos.”

Except there are plenty of attractive women who have put out sexy images of themselves but are woke intersectional sex-positive feminists, and have yet to spew anything like this. There are also pretty, average , and unattractive women who pride themselves on their sexual modesty who have put out some disgusting

As a feminist, I’m cool with neo-nazi rape apologist cunts being treated the same way their penis-having counterparts deserve to be treated. #Equality

Part of the problem is that we need to stop treating women’s choices about their bodies and sexuality as symptoms of sexual abuse just because their choices go against what a heteronormative religious patriarchy has established as the “moral norm.” Just like there are homophobes who still assume a person’s

Being a racist and dismissing women who come forward about sexual abuse /harassment are not “just differences of opinion” that women, poc, and allies need to be politely “tolerant” of. Jesus. That enabling, privileged white libertarian nihilism is part of the Trump problem.

Really hope the exposure of predators isn’t used as an excuse by strangers now to publicly ask famous women if they’ve been sexually victimized. Any negative reaction to such an exploitative question will be spun as confirmation true or not, and if it’s not a heterosexual virginal classy woman, it’ll be used by

He was born in the 90s, so chances that he knew about Woody molesting his daughter before 2014 are very slim. I’m only 2 years older than this actor and the only reason I even found out about it in 2014 is because I was paying attention to celebrity gossip. Personally, I think if people bare going to spend emotional

Quentin Tarantino himself said that he’s known about Harvey for years but didn’t take it seriously. He also dated one of Weinstein’s victims, which is how he knew.

Actually, there are a couple of ways she could not have known. It’s highly unlikely that she’s one of the women who was warned away from him for her own protection, due to age. She wasn’t one of his victims. We have no evidence that she witnessed one of his assaults or procured for him. The only other way she could

Seal is also implying that he’s had knowledge of rumors about Harvey over the years but hasn’t said anything about it until now. He Knew gossip and did nothing! Omg! For the record, I don’t honestly support this idea that female or male public figures are obligated to publicly condemn a male colleague as a rapist if

She might have been a little bit older than his preferred targets. Isn’t Heidi in her late 40s?

At most she could have heard rumors about prostitution involving Harvey Weinstein and consenting adult starlets, because for years that’s how it was spun. The assumption that every woman in Hollywood honestly knew about the rapes but kept quiet in order to get something from Harvey feels good to those who wish to use