
By that same logic, why should a woman be held accountable for the actions of a man she briefly socialized with in public or worked with years ago?

That’s how I feel about the ‘ you knew!’ brigade screaming at women for allegedly doing nothing about the Weinstein rumors. I agree that starlets who were victimized by Harvey and therefore knew for a fact what he was but didn’t feel they could come forward until recently should not be blamed or shamed. But some of

Gossip isn’t the same as an allegation from a victim though. Public figures are probably more skeptical about rumors involving colleagues who seem nice to them.

Women who weren’t adults during the 90s would not have known about this before 2014, 2013 at the earliest.

I think it’s because sex crimes against adults may be more common than pedophilia.

I agree with that for those who made statements defending them/ discrediting their victims, especially since so far none of them have even bothered to apologize for those “tabloid fodder” comments yet. But I believe the ones who just worked with him- especially the younger ones- deserve a second chance.

I also hate how this situation is being exploited by many online commenters to selectively go after/ revoke the feminist cards of the spoiled pretty little rich girls they wanted taken down a peg. Especially when you know it’s unlikely that some of these people don’t always hold themselves, their friends, family, etc.

People who weren’t adults during the 90s wouldn’t have known about Woody molesting Dylan before 2014.

In a way it is complicated, because it raises the question of how far the “Anyone who has ever worked with, provided goods and services for, or partaken in the goods and services of an abuser is a rapist enabler” argument should be taken. Does it only apply to people in Hollywood, or is the non-famous average Joe who

There’s no way this kid was putting nudes up on twitter at 13, 14, or 15. I’m only a few years older than her- it would have been all over the news at the time. She may have done normal pics of herself hanging with friends in swimwear or in tank tops and short shorts, but that’s usually an older conservative’s idea of

I can’t believe that in 2018 there are still people dumb enough to believe that all immodest women are acting on sexual abuse and all classy women have escaped abuse. But there are also people who think that about gays and bisexuals, so maybe it’s not that shocking. I chalk it up to judeo-christian narcissism.

The slut-shaming is disgusting.

It is shitty because society has always promoted these “female sexual immodesty and homosexuality/bisexuality are symptoms of sexual trauma” tropes and used them against women and the LGBT community.

Female sexual immodesty in an adult isn’t automatically a symptom of sexual abuse any more than homosexuality is. Just like a woman being classy, modest, or virginal doesn’t mean that she hasn’t been sexually abused.

It’s disgusting how so many people- both deplorable and “woke”- are using this to say her sexual immodesty is a symptom of her abuse. So much for sex positive feminism.

Bella Thorne is 21. Her sexual immodesty isn’t automatically a symptom of the abuse she suffered. Her seeking attention doesn’t mean she would lie about a sex crime either.

Just because someone is an attention seeker (especially as a person who’s career depends on garnering attention) doesn’t mean that it’s a result of sexual abuse though. I believe that she was abused, but it’s important to avoid perpetuating the “sexually modest women are well-adjusted/ sexually immodest women are

It’s the fact that he was married (and with a pregnant wife) at the time. Personally, sex life isn’t something I factor in when it comes to making decisions about politicians as long as everything is consensual. But the republicans are all about having the moral high ground because of the family values.

Is his ex a white woman or a woman of color though? White women falsely accusing men of color of abuse is definitely a real problem, but if not careful that can also be used to dismiss women of color who come forward too. It is a complicated situation.

Love it. Not just because it’s kind of funny, but because of all the respectability politics pearl-clutching it will trigger on both sides about modern feminism and women needing to classy it up for equality/to be taken seriously. The prudes are coming...