
Yep. It’s about slut-shaming women (and sometimes underage girls) while fapping to them at the same time. Sort of like how men treat casting couch rumors on blind gossip sites.

I’ve been seeing other sex positive young feminists supporting Me too and calling out rape culture for a while though.

Second wavers are nowadays trying to call slut-shaming and victim-blaming “radical feminism”. They also hate transgender people and nonbinary people.

Second wavers are the ones who call slut-shaming and victim-blaming ‘radical feminism’ and dismiss any woman who calls them out on it or rejects that version of feminism as a Cool Girl, Prostituted Woman, Self Objectifying Woman, or just not a real feminist.

You mean sex workers, transgender women, women of color, and basically all women who get dismissed by both sides as sluts for rejecting the respectability politics that require women to be more androgynous and sexually modest? Because those are those are the liberal women you see speaking out about being excluded from

When it’s 2018 and you’re still using slurs against a woman for sex she had during the Clinton and Bush administrations ( especially while simultaneously gushing about how one of the older adulterous men involved can still get it and not using a single slur against him or Brad), you are slut-shaming. Full stop. No

You’ve just outed yourself as a misogynist in a feminist space. Congrats! I’m sure you shrugged and went ‘that’s just how men behave’ on your way out of the election booth.

But after 13+ years, it’s time to move on. We need to seriously start asking why women feel the need to keep bitching about some female public figure participating in an affair over a decade ago, while men just let it go if a male celebrity does the same thing. This is one of then few areas where men are less shitty

Probably less access to abortion too.

That’s like saying gay teens facing homophobic harassment and hate crimes shouldn’t be mentioned in a conversation about people shot, stabbed, or stoned for being gay, because at least they’re alive.

Sounds like the mentality of the women over at They have a track record of being very hostile, bigoted, exclusionary, and verbally and psychologically abusive toward transgender people, non binary people, female sex-workers, and just any woman they consider a slut (but they usually carefully make

And? There are women who pride themselves on having never slept with anyone’s husband, not being sex workers, etc. who spew this kind of ‘Boys will be boys’ drivel too. Many of the women who signed this garbage probably fall under that category.

Here we go again. Another chance to turn the takedown of a rapist into a witch hunt against every rich famous woman with any kind of past or present connection to him. Never mind the fact that she’s said nothing to defend him or trash/discredit his victim. I dread what the reaction will be if any male relative of

A woman not being dressed modestly is not objectification.

He was completely wrong. He’s another typical male who conflates whining about women showing too much skin/ being too hot to be respected and taken seriously with making a feminist statement. Male Savior-types who think feminism= respectability politics for women are a dime-a-dozen. Having a virgin-whore complex

I agree with you, but I don’t see how blaming the women in black for Rose being raped is any better.

A week or so ago one of their Trump supporters left a comment about how all of Hollywood’s women being ‘whores’ means they have no business ‘preaching to the masses’ against Trump. It’s like, even if we’re going to temporarily put aside the pure idiocy and sexism of this belief that all casting couch rumors spread

CDAN and its commentariat are complicit, misogynistic, slut-shaming, rape culture enabling, faux woke sacks of shit. Not to diss you personally, just had to let that one out.

Right. I support her in coming forward but in other areas, she’s turning out to be a real nasty piece of work. This protest was not all about her, and it’s hypocritical and arrogant of her to act like she’s more feminist and more real than the women in black. She’s contributing to part of the misogynistic narrative

Proof? Women are multidimensional, and we are talking about an event where attention-seeking and feminist protest against rape culture (which includes slut-shaming) collides.