
The expression ‘Harvey’s Girls’ needs to die immediately. No legit feminist is still going around calling women things like that after everything that’s happened. You have no proof that Blake slept with hw, she hasn’t ever said that he’s harassed or assaulted her, and she’s never even worked with him. Let’s not use a

Or, like she’s giving a middle-finger to the idea that Sex predator gate means women need to dress more modestly/ draw less attention to themselves. All red carpet celebrity events involve attention-seeking to begin with.

Only from women who still support slut-shaming and victim-blaming.

Seriously? So if a woman doesn’t dress modestly she’s a Cool Girl who supports rapists? I thought feminism was against the patriarchal ‘Fight rape culture by toning it down, not drawing attention to yourself, and not dressing like a ‘slut’ BS that’s been thrown at us for thousands of years.

Equal opportunity misogyny is not intersectional feminism.

Is that your stance on the national anthem protests too? I am so sick of this misogynistic idea that because women work in the the entertainment industry and attend awards ceremonies, they’re automatically all complicit, enabling, phony, evil whores who have no right to protest rape culture. Let me guess, you’re on

Oh yeah, women should limit their whereabouts to protest rape culture.

Hmm, third ‘boys will be boys, tough women don’t snitch’ post from you here. Smells like somebody’s got a skeleton or two in his closet...

Yep. Which is exactly why it’s irksome how the term ‘cool girl’ sometimes gets used against women for physical appearance choices and/or unladylike behavior instead of enabling, ‘boys will be boys’ sycophants like this one.

Most of the hate she gets anywhere is rooted in slut-shaming and/ or people wanting her to dissapear because she’s a woman trying to make something for herself.

Because instead of going away, she’s trying to make a career for herself without having a Y chromosome?

They’ve got nothing on damaged, sex-hating, delusional, bible-beaten middle class white hags who think being a ‘radical’ or ‘progressive’ woman is all about who can be the most fascist puritanical Plain Jane in the room. Then like hypocrites they turn around and bitch about the evil of burqa & hijab and cry about

But he doesn’t get flack for it because he’s a guy (if anything, Demi Moore will get shamed as an oversexed thirsty train wreck/ bad mother for hooking up with him. Meanwhile, nothing nasty will be said about Nick.) When young women in Hollywood hook up with older guys, they get armchair diagnosed as damaged,

I agree. I definitely think Miley Cyrus, for example, is someone who fell for that ruse until she apparently heard some things. She probably thought he was seen as a controversial pervert because he took nude photos of famous women.

This, plus I think it’s time for us to abandon this idea that abstaining from things like make-up, revealing clothes, nudity, etc. is the thing that determines whether or not a woman is a nonconformist feminist anyway. There are women who abstain from those things but have absolutely horrible stances about things like

Yep. To be honest most of the criticism of women doing things like wearing make-up, not dressing modestly, posing nude, or taking selfies seems to stem from rape culture and outdated ideas about what it means to be an intelligent, moral, non-narcisstic, self-respecting, progressive woman- even when the critique is

“10 ways to use your body to score free gifts.” Nothing wrong with that! (Although comparing that to a woman wearing make-up is a bit of a false equivalent) Do you feel the same level of concern about women (including some feminists) who promote fear of turning on a male or fear of ‘looking like a wh*re’ as

The only situation where I disagree with that is when a teen couple consensually does this (and keeps the pictures to themselves). I dont think teens should be criminalized for that just like I don’t think they should be criminalized for having sex or masturbating.

I think that’s fine as long as it’s not a situation where a teen couple consensually but privately exchanged pics with each other without sharing them.

Duly noted. Will immediately dismiss his reply to me.