
Exactly. And hasn’t anyone ever thought of the fact that the stigmatization is a part of the power these revenge-porn situations? Maybe, in addition to working to make better boys and men, we also need to work to make sexuality and nudity things that can’t be used against young women (as well as gay, bisexual, and

But then that’s girls having something taken from them because of male behavior (which is also why I don’t support the “women should just not show up to the golden globes” argument).

Exactly. I am so tired of victim-blaming disguised as feminism.

It can be a display of sexual agency and still be not the wisest decision, depending on the circumstances.

Oh yeah, socializing girls to be sexually modest has worked wonders so far. That’s being real and getting shit done. The problem is sluts, not coercion and sex crimes. Any logical person can see that. Chaste maidens make well-behaved lads.

How about giving thought to changing the way society raises boys?

The ‘change girls’ approach to rape culture has already been tried. All it ever leas to is more slut-shaming and victim-blaming.

Stating a fact about biology and ancestry is never presumptuous. For example, if a paternity test proves that somebody is your father, grandfather, etc. but that person and/or his family don’t choose to claim you, that doesn’t change the facts about where you came from. But I agree it would be presumptuous of Kaya to

Has that ever been proven? She says her mother is part Cherokee.

I don’t disagree with that. The problem is this whiny worthless MRA scumbag’s point that male assholes are marginalized and persecuted while female assholes are celebrated, because feminism is evil, men are society’s victims, yadda yadda yadda. An argument that’s just factually wrong. If white male assholes get to be

Now you’re just making things up. Neither one of them witnessed or facilitated a sexual assault.

That was Britney. With Mariah it was walking around a hotel in lingerie.

That’s the same thing people said to dismiss Kolin Kaepernick and the national anthem protests though. They won’t be able to get rid of sexism and abuse in this country by having a protest with black dresses and forming a group to deal with harassment in different industries, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Wah, more ‘first world’ white male tears about imagined reverse discrimination and ‘oppression’. Just cuddle up with the Trumpy bear your parents got you for Christmas. When it comes to plain old equal opportunity assholery, many people separate the art from the artist. That’s why people don’t mind Mariah here that

OK. That part is understandable. (Especially since I’ve heard rumors about Kaya being a thirsty Canadian Trump-lover.) I just didn’t care for the odd attack on Cher about her heritage.

Yeah. I’m not sure what to make of what seems like a reverse one-drop rule going on, where a person has to have lived on a reservation/ have parents who are 100% (insert race or ethnicity)/have a certain phenotype in order for a discussion about one’s heritage to not cause a negative reaction like this. The other

When “radical feminists” aren’t busy screaming “sell-out whore!” at cis women who won’t give up femininity and beauty to make them comfortable, they take the time to scream “appropriating women” at trans women. Pathetic.

Crying sexual exploitation any time a woman does something with her body that one doesn’t approve of waters down discussions about real sexual exploitation. So does turning a conversation about men shaming and slandering women into a conversation about women ‘putting themselves out there”.

Women capitalizing off of physical appearance aren’t to blame for men slut-shaming and body-shaming women. Stop blaming female immodesty for your problems.

Honestly, as awful as the body-shaming was, to me the slut-shaming was worse.