
The same culture that will happily start/ circulate false rumors about female celebrities fucking their way to the top or being ‘damaged whores due to industry sexual abuse’ is the same culture that will drag them for complicity if they don’t loudly, quickly, and righteously denounce any powerful man who’s only

TBH I would wear black, but make sure it was something revealing to make it clear that I’m not caving to the victim-blaming “In a post-Weinstein world, Emily Ratajowski & other women in the entertainment industry need to cover up” brigade.

And what proof do you have that she supports Harvey Weinstein? (By the way, substituting ‘rapist’ with ‘sexual deviant’ is not a good look. This is the same term religious Conservatives have used to describe gays, bisexuals, and, on occasion, women they consider ‘promiscuous’ or ‘ hypersexual’ in some way. It lumps

It was disappointing to see feminists respond to this with victim-blaming, by basically saying “What do you expect from an organization where pretty women put themselves out there like that.” Just like the manipulative antiporn “feminists” who blamed Stoya’s rape on porn. Men who want women to ‘stop acting like whores

Yep. And it’s so hypocritical how some members of the CDAN crowd (writers on the site as well as ‘liberal’ fans of the site) try to paint it all as them just being realists, being ‘smarter than the sheeple’ (translation: If you have a problem with our misogyny, that means you’re just a stupid Stan for this particular

Please. Like men who want women to keep their clothes on and “stop calling whoring it up empowerment” don’t talk about women the same exact way. “Radical feminist” modesty doesn’t do shit for us.

This is another example of why some people’s recent attempts to say, “See, casting couch/ blind gossip rumors about famous women’s sex lives are ALWAYS the plain truth and never part of a smear campaign. No famous woman denying these things should ever be believed, and our spreading it around publicly is totes fine”

Oh come on, let’s not start the “see what happens when women put themselves out there like that” card. Men who object to women doing things like this for a living are just as quick to slut-shame and body-shame women this way as the men who profit off of women’s beauty financially.

Exactly. When practically no woman or girl can become a famous actress, singer, rapper, model, etc. without some type of casting couch rumor being spread about her at some point, are we really going to be shocked and outraged when celebrity women are just a little mistrustful of ‘gossip’ in this situation?

 Maybe part 2 (or 3) of the MeToo movement should also include all the women and underage girls over the years who have had damaging ‘fucked her way to the top/ was passed around/ was sold to rapists, that’s why she’s a wild “slut” now’ rumours spread about them while living out their teens and 20s in the public eye.

This just confirms that Weinstein had a bad reputation, but it doesn’t confirm that every single person in Hollywood knew about the sexual assaults. Kate Winslet is still defending Polanski and Woody Allen though, so I do think she’s crappy.

Exactly. Gossip is not protecting people when it’s used to smear famous women and underage girls as either prostitutes or damaged rape victims.

The flipside to the whole “gossip is good” argument she’s using is that that very same gossip has also been used to accuse every single woman and underage girl in the public eye of owing her career to either prostitution or child rape. People are already using sex predator gate to oppress young women.

Right? It’s like that poster has completely forgotten that blaming sex crimes on women making themselves “too sexy and beautiful” has been part of the problem.

You do realize that labeling women who dress a certain way as ‘sex objects’ for men is part of the problem, right? And that victim-blaming has consistently been a part of this dialogue about sexual assault? This would send a terrible message.

Exactly. The fact that over here we still have conservatives AND liberals who think it’s OK to tell women (and/ or bisexual and gay people ) that we should just be grateful that the government doesn’t imprison or execute us for going against traditional values is part of the problem.

It’s not entitlement to be against traditional values, nor should women, gay, and bisexual people be told to just shut up and be grateful that the state doesn’t imprison or execute us for going against those ‘values’.

Still misogyny and victim-blaming, just not prison time. The fact that our government doesn’t criminalize or execute gay/bisexual people and women for blatantly defying traditional values (except for prostitutes unfortunately) doesn’t mean we should shut up and be grateful, or that homophobia, victim-blaming, and

Doing nudes isn’t a bad thing.

Nah. People who reach adulthood without being able to cope with hearing sounds they don’t like in public spaces are entitled adults. If you don’t like to hear babies crying, don’t ride planes or subways. Save up for a private jet, or get yourself a generous sugar daddy/mama. If you’re neither rich enough nor hot