
I’m tired of people blaming everything on women taking their clothes off and calling that blame “feminism.” As if women will stop having insecurities (among other things) if other women make the noble sacrifice of deciding to abstain from nudity while guys like Jason mamoa, Channing Tatum, Adam Levine, and Idris Elba

It’s Brian Peck, not Dan Schneider.

I’m just hoping this doesn’t get exploited by slut-shamers wanting to play the “damaged sexually abused loose women” card. It’s no better than a homophobe attributing a star owning their bisexuality or homosexuality to childhood sexual abuse.

I’m hoping the sex-negative brigade doesn’t use this as an excuse to start saying any and every female Disney star who’s ever deviated from ladylike judeo-christian values must have been acting on damage from sexual abuse. That would be no better than a conservative labelling all openly gay/bisexual celebrities as

Can this story please, PLEASE not turn into a misogynistic “Every woman who’s ever worked for Disney and deviated from classy, ladylike judeo-christian values must have been sexually abused as a child. My sex-negative prejudices have been validated” situation? Because that’s no better than labelling every star who

I think it’s nickelodeon, not Disney.

Nobody has ever accused Dan Schneider of doing anything though. We don’t have any sign that he’s even a sexual predator. All we have is misogyny-filled gossip. There is a convicted pedophile who has worked for nickelodeon, but his name is Bryan Peck.

He hid an std diagnosis from her. It’s understandable (and not at all abusive) for her to want to know about him cheating.

Monitoring how an untrustworthy, PHYSICALLY abusive partner or relative uses your own property is not abuse. If a parent installed similar software on their own computer without telling their teen, you wouldn’t call it that. It’s predictable that you MRAs would closes over a man’s domestic violence and hyperfocus on

Trumpy bear. Fuck autocorrect.

Keep crying those orange tears on to your grumpy bear.

The thing I just Can’t With ( which is happening here and elsewhere) is all the SWERFS turning this into a “What do you expect from a trashy whore?” Situation. Who do these ladies think spends the most time victim-blaming? Society’s ‘loose women’/their allies or the smug classy women?

The thing I just can’t with (that’s happening here and elsewhere) is all the SWERFy Types making this about “What do you expect from a hooker?” As if it’s not often the ‘ whores’ of society and their allies calling this shit out, while the holier-than- thou ‘ virgins’ of society (including the smug ‘I’m not one of

The feminist community is full of women (and men) who have been sex symbols at some point, in some way- some who haven’t been victimized, some who have- but who don’t victim-blame. And their are plenty of women and men who pride themselves on being classy/ conservative / have no history of any kind of public nudity or

It’s important for people who PUBLICLY victim-blame to be called out because victim-blaming is fucking DANGEROUS. Jesus. Should we as a society just silently not criticize homophobia and racism because that won’t change a bigot’s mind and dismiss anyone speaking out as ‘ just trying to make oneself feel better?’ Or do

With this new explanation Bulla should turn out to be a powerful super saiyan at some point. She better not just end up a boring, weak lolita fan service replacement of her human mother Bulma.

This new explanation means that Bulla and Pan should turn out to be powerful super saiyan warriors. But somehow I doubt Toriyama &Toyotaro are ever going to allow a female relative of a male saiyan show power like that and be equal. (Why did they recycle boring Mai into a fauxmance with Trunks instead of an

The decision to recycle Mai just to troll up a cringe forced fauxmance between her and Trunks instead of writing an interesting, new, YOUNG saiyan or half-saiyan female into that important role helped solve that debate too.

Oh please. Weinstein being a predator doesn’t make every single “Pretty little rich girl whoring/ this one’s pussy was sold at a young age and that’s why she turned out slutty” rumor true. False rumors about a woman or girl’s ‘sexual histories’ can and DO get used against them, by both women and men. Sometimes by

The only people I remember Selena ever dating are Bieber (whose drug problems are known), The Weeknd (ditto), Nick Jonas, and Taylor Lautner. I’ve never heard anything about those last two and cocaine. It wouldn’t surprise me if Selena has tried drugs at some point, but I don’t really think she’s an addict. She