
In her glamour article (after her initial “stop acting like whores” tweet) she made some comment about female pop stars having a responsibility to cover up in order to protect young girls from rape, because a 13-year-old girl who copies their skimpy outfits isn’t going to have a bodyguards to protect them like a pop

Add Sinead O’connor , Chrissie Hynde, and Rashida Jones to that list.

I’ve seen a lot of feminists use the fact beauty privilege/ patriarchal beauty standards exist as an excuse to slut-shame and victim-blame women, or to shut down conversations about misogyny. With the Harvey situation there are also so-called liberal women trying to justify repeatedly saying all the pretty women in

Feminists (especially radical feminists) blame sexual violence on women being too attractive, feminine, or sexually available to men quite often. So it’s not shocking to see a 92-year-old woman with those beliefs. She’s not saying anything Sinead O’Connor, Sarah Brownmiller, Chryssie Hynde, or Rashida Jones haven’t

That you, Mayim?

Um....yes? Lots of people thought he needed help because of his substance abuse problems?

It’s shameful that I’ve made it to my 20s without understanding this, but why do people get sentences for hundreds of years when no human lives that long? Why isn’t it just called a life sentence?

That’s what happens when males are responsible for most of the world’s violence: People are shocked and start wondering about things like mental health when a female behaves the same way. When was the last time you were shocked to hear that the person behind a terrorist act, murder, mass murder, a beating of a

Ariel Winter responded to it too. Thought I’d put that out there, since “feminists” around here love to slut-shame her.

And? Millions, if not billions, of people famous and not famous either smoke cigarettes, eat junk food, are underweight or overweight, or drink alcohol. Unless you want to ban those things for everyone, there’s no reason why she at 19 should be expected to abstain just because she’s a public figure.

Plus back in 2012 their was a pic of her pretending to go down on Liam’s dick cake at a party.

But you’d all be fine with her if she was a modestly dressed, classy good girl. Typical.

Female sexual modesty is often seen as a measure of the mental health of women by misogynistic cultures, both in the east and the west. Even here, it sometimes has to be explained to people that an adult woman (famous or not) dressing, posing, dancing, or fucking in a way they disapprove of isn’t a symptom of sexual

Let me guess: You either voted for Trump, or are one of those sympathetic straight white liberals who thinks american feminazis need to go easy on white supremacists and the sexists?

So far I haven’t heard of any allegations against him- just dubious internet rumors by people who don’t care if they’re slandering and slut-shaming past and present Nickelodeon starlets, pervy male misogynists fantasizing about this man engaging in sex acts with the teen starlets they found hot, and a few shady

Like that pedotastic love triangle in dragon ball super between Kid Trunks, Mai, and Future Trunks. It was all so cringeworthy. I’m sorry, but that’s a shipping that just never should have happened. Good fan service would have been pairing the Trunkses (Trunksi?) with a main timeline and future timeline version of a

The conservatives are definitely more overtly racist/misogynistic in their attacks on Beyonce.

These same people praise Pink for her talent when to me Beyonce is at least just as good.

I think Christina is a better singer than Beyonce, but Beyonce is a better artist overall. She’s the total package. Agree with the rest of your post though. Sometimes it seems like a bunch of liberals going out of their way to crap on a big star who’s both a woman and black just to prove that they aren’t “too pc” to

She’s at least as good a singer as pink.