
The fallacy of GamerGate is also contextualized in this line: “but that’s actually what most GGs are concerned about.” How would you actually go about proving “most”? By being an anonymous group that’s opposed to formal organization or outward hierarchy, you cannot by any measure say “most” anything. This group cannot

You’re right. We have fucked up. Every single one of us has fucked up at one point or another —myself included, as any Dragon’s Crown fan will happily tell you. Should we have done a better job disclosing certain things? Absolutely. As Stephen pointed out back when this whole thing first started, one of Kotaku’s

If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive

It’s funny how GG is trying to spin it as “different political opinions are banned!” or “Leftists kick girl gamers out! Misogyny!”

Wow, that's original ;p

Now playing

anyone who has not seen the ova or the tv series. go watch them, especially the ova

Said the commentor who clearly stopped reading the article.

He didn't refuse, he wasn't allowed! Jeez! Did you even read his whole statement?

So to sum up: you just literally do not know how to read.

They still had to work within restrictions. Do you really think Nickelodeon would have let it air if it had a same-sex kiss in it?

I don't think the network allowed them to show a kiss.

Watching books 3 and 4 it's clear the two work and have a connection. That's 26 whole episodes, half the series, where they laid the groundwork for a finale where they BEGIN a relationship. This is coming from a show that had Mako get with two different characters in a single season, Bolin get with two different

I swear to GOD if I ever found out my (actual) son had done something like this his life wouldn't be worth living for about two years.