
oh no it’s retarded

He was one of the shittiest things that happened in 2016.

He’ll be worse.

Also, how is it really taunting to, like, mildly drop the football at the feet of the guy who just launched himself at your skull?


I tend not to believe anyone whose occupation is YouTube Prankster....

stop cyberbullying

it’s literally what she was...

Literally no one except a small minority of bohemian/punk/drifter types is “poor of their own volition.”

Poverty is in almost all cases akin to a sort of heritable disease. Poor kids are born into material conditions that hold them back, from malnutrition to stress to things like lead in the paint and water from poor

I played up to the penultimate ‘arena’ (level), 9, completely F2P by just doing daily quests, though. Beyond that however they’ve really rigged it and the ELO system so you can’t advance without the OP ‘legendary’ cards and those are so rare the only way to get them is to invest cash.

What is your preferred solution? Soylent Green?

Citations desperately, gaspingly needed.

The manthreading article was the stupidest fucking thing, though.

People asked the author: wait, don’t lots of women, including WOC, use tweetstorms/threads?

And her response was “IDK it feels like it’s more men.”

That’s not journalism that’s just shitstirring.

The most famous tweetstorm of all time was that stripper’s

I mean, I feel like a lot of guys would feel that their wife sleeping with other men behind their back is the worst thing she could do to him, shy of murdering him or his kids.

That’s not an aggressively radical proposition. The word cuckold goes back to Shakespeare, not the alt-right. The cuckold has always been a

Then you missed a lot of actual journalism.

Kinda makes sense to oppose the forces destroying this country.

Get the fuck out of here with your “Both sides are bad” bullshit. One set is biased, the other is *literal fucking lies*.

No one should grow into being a Nazi.

Warren and Sanders are not liberal in the European sense, they’re leftist.

You sound triggered. Do you need a safe space?