$14,800 a month in child support for their 3-year-old son, Sebastian, with whom they share legal and physical custody.
$14,800 a month in child support for their 3-year-old son, Sebastian, with whom they share legal and physical custody.
the fucking rule of law
Yikes. Sorry. I don’t know what’s up with Kinja.
America is a very individualistic society so I’m wondering if it’s the same in societies that value collectivism.
the fucking rule of law
Trump means repression. Is he not really planning to deport them?
Coverage of this fucking show and this fucking Chad guy is like some weird /r/redpill fever dream and it upsets me greatly.
Because she’s probably hearing about it from her son...?
I sure as fuck would be.
That’s nice for you, but some people want intimacy with their partners.
I’m amazed by how many “Muslim feminists” and various stripes of activists on Twitter actually despise her.
I guess it’s because she doesn’t toe the conventional left party line that all practices and beliefs, including forcing women to veil from head to toe or female circumcision, are equally valid.
Aethelstan? The nebbishy priest?
Not Ragnar? Or Rollo? Or Egbert? Or Lagertha? Or...literally the entire rest of the more attractive cast?
But...62% of US women, total, are “white.” And 17% are Hispanic, and that includes people like Penelope Cruz, and other ‘white hispanics.’
So out of 6 covers, you’d expect a maximum of....two nonwhite covers.
yeah but wagner tho
I am pretty far left, and I think Stacey Dash is mostly useless and awful - but I don’t think she’s fully wrong on this.
Guns are tools, and they’re potentially dangerous ones, but they are also a very powerful tool for the powerless to level the playing field with the powerful and the oppressive. Whether it’s a woman…
This is some of the best US reporting I’ve seen on Brasil and the Dilma affair/impeachment/coup.
Well done!
What’s important is that you found a way to feel superior to everyone.
god willing i never will
is this some kind of performance art