I mean if they’re anything like most Bengali parents they also probably raised their kids with a strict regimen of violent corporal punishment, so...sometimes that lesson is learned too well.
I mean if they’re anything like most Bengali parents they also probably raised their kids with a strict regimen of violent corporal punishment, so...sometimes that lesson is learned too well.
Who’s crying?
I’m just saying, fanboys are bad and the game they’re fanboying about isn’t as good as they think.
Then why is there a comments section? For a circlejerk?
Nah, son.
and i never will
Fair! Different strokes.
I’m not playing! But I’m also arguing the point that it’s the Greatest Game Series ever.
It’s not just the hitboxes, it’s the clipping too - everything in that game clips like a mofo.
I mean, “fair” is relative - but fairness isn’t my complaint about the game, it’s the gameplay itself I dislike.
Game always felt really sluggish to me.
IDK, I’m often bored and irritated at work and that was pretty much my first few hours wandering through a game I find profoundly boring and irritating.
Pissing on other people is bad.
planning the growth of your character in a game that refuses to explain what half its stats do?
or you get killed by shitty hitboxes, cheap jumpscares, unresponsive controls or because, god forbid, you had to get up to go to the bathroom/get a drink/answer the phone and the game has no pause
so don’t watch it?
my initial comment was if you don’t like violent shows, don’t watch them, but don’t shit on them for people who have stronger stomachs.
Look at the coverage of Leo DiCaprio dating women 15 years younger than him and you’ll be proven completely wrong.
And a US Senator has a lot more Power in a Power Differential than actor who’s only won 1 Oscar.
The coverage of this vs. the coverage of, like, Leo DiCaprio dating models 15 years his junior is...wow.
Hypocrisy so thick you could cut it with a knife.
yah but I’m never wrong