
I’m afraid that you actually will.

is a terrible thing to do

God, people get so fucking mad when you don’t suck this series’ cock.

I never fucking said Iran was a colony. It was, however, surrounded by British colonies.

The original deal was done in 1908 between a private citizen and the ruler of the Ottoman Empire.

Who had no fucking right the make the deal. The Iranian PEOPLE had every right to break it.

It’s not their land - not their oil - not their house.

Deals with Iran were brokered while the Royal Army was stationed in Palestine, Iraq, India, Pakistan, etc., etc. The Royal Navy controlled the Gulf.

Deals done at gunpoint, however softly spoke, are basically extortionate.

Any sovereign nation has the right to

And you need to read some anticolonialist history.

it’s almost that’s like that’s not what i fuckin’ said

Both parties were in the wrong but just because you have a disagreement with your neighbor over the cost of a fence you do not have the right to confiscate their house.

That’s because you’re an apologist for imperialism.

Even if he was 100% legitimate,when he nationalized the oil fields and started setting up communist style communes there was very little choice.

Nationalizing assets is not theft.

Colonizing a nation, setting up an “anglo-iranian oil company” extracting a sovereign nation’s wealth with corrupt deals and back-alley corruption- definitely theft.

Also, fuck the “royal family” and fuck monarchists of every stripe.

You can be a leftist and believe in gun ownership:


She was for subway tokens before she was against them.

You’re right - one bad interview obviously abnegates 25 years of legislative experience...

It doesn’t matter what Clinton explains about her policies because she’ll change them as soon as it becomes politically expedient to do so.

I’ll never forgive her for the Iraq War vote. She can explain it all she wants, but that

which sarcasm?

Here’s the fucking irony.

Yours is a literal imperialist, so.

make me